While I’m here, everyone, please get your flu and COVID shots this winter, vaccines work, so don’t get sick, and don’t get other people sick.
While I’m here, everyone, please get your flu and COVID shots this winter, vaccines work, so don’t get sick, and don’t get other people sick.
How? as it has been demonstrated that it does not protect against transmission?
But take your shots please.
Imagine being the model. Alright, you look amazing. Now drop your pants and pretend to take a shit. Yeah thats it, just a hundred more photos in different lighting. Perfect, thats the one we upload to the internet
Odd that the people who question vaccines are the same people who don’t question the medicines they put into their mouths when they get sick. Do they know that vaccines and medicines are researched and manufactured in a similar way?
- strange that people forgot about H1N1 vaccine that they should rush on the first experimental shit - created 3 month after first chinese cases).
- strange that people doesn’t get that the vaccine campaign started when the virus were not anymore as strong and the deaths were already reducing.
- strange that people can’t read stats and demographics, why injecting our kids?!
- strange that people doesn’t think that the lack of early support could lead to stronger illness development if not, death.
my friend got Covid (alpha), it was pretty bad but he also got nothing as treatment, just basic painkiller and O2, nothing else. Fortunately for him, he was in his mid 40 and strong, “just” ended up with a hole in his lungs due to excessive O2.
AND Finally, the binary vision that people against Vaxzevria and co are against vaccines is highly infuriating to me. Get you shot and leave me alone.
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That science lady’s just pretending. She’s sitting there making breakfast. I can see the glass of orange juice in front of her, and pancake batter in the red bowl. Science is a liar sometimes!
Probably a picture of a quality control lab in a food factory. They’re pretty anal about everything being within spec for safety, product consistency and legal reasons.
Anal and food quality control are two things I did not want to see in a comment together
There’s an ass eating joke in here somewhere.
For my part, I was listening to a doctor McCullough testifying in front of a senate committee. Talking slowly, calmly with experience and common sense. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAHi3lX3oGM
I never seen the so called expert defending the vaccine who was not treating me like a dumb and a potential assassin.
Well the top picture clearly doesn’t represent the 3rd phase of trials, as there wasn’t one when the COVID vaccine was mandated lol
Why do you need a 3rd ühase of trials in a pandemic? Do you also not wash your hands after pissing and shitting? There hasnt been a trial for that.
Which source told you that medicine isnt safe if it doesnt get 3 trials?
No homeopathy ever goes to trials.
Your painkillers didnt get 3 trials.Right because injections and washing your hands are comparable.
The “source that told me” was a bit of critical thought and common sense. This was a vaccine with tech we’ve never used on massive populations before, pushed by political leaders, followed by media outlets and gov leaders trying to paint everyone who questions it as if they’re the worst people humanity has to offer. Ofc we need extensive trials for a vaccine like that (or any vaccine), especially when the producers of the vaccine are immune from liability.
Do you remember what informed consent is? If you’re injecting stuff into you, without fully understanding what either the virus itself can do, or what the vaccine can do, you’re just blindly following people.
It’s this same mentality and confusion that lead to our current opioid pandemic. Blind trust in our institutions and leaders
So your source is no source. You think you’re smarter than science. Gotcha. You apparently don’t know that mrna is in use since 2001… But youre smarter than everyone else.
You asked me what source I need to want full trials for a vaccine. You have the wit of a teenager.
mRNA hasn’t been used in a vaccine like this before.
30 years in the scheme of things is still absolutely nothing. We had lead in our gasoline and our drinking water pipes for decades without anyone actually understanding the issue, and just trusting “it’s all safe!”
Virus comes out and we pump out a fully produced vaccine in MONTHS. Of course it’s safe and tested fully /s
You’re just proving how little your critical thinking and common sense is worth. My guy… Modern vaccines as injections are only around 100 years old. 30 years is a third to a fourth of that time. That isnt relatively new. 30 years is an eternity.
Sars cov 1 is a thing that was succesfully vaccinated against and sars cov 2 is a variant that shares many things with 1.I also asked you what sources you have that support your argument that vaccines need a 3rd trial.
You answer was “it came to me in a dream/i pulled it out of my ass” you have the wit of a sockhamster.Billions of people have the vaccine and a booster. It’s been more than 3 years. No long term negatives. You’re just dumb and contrarian for the sake of it.
Where was it mandated?
Tons of places, and Biden tried nationally but thankfully the supreme Court shut him down
My office, for one. But you prolly mean by government. Crossing the border in Canada led to the trucker thing. To be clear, I got my third booster last month. I’m pro-vax.
< 5 minute web search says that the 3rd phase was done a month after it was approved for emergency use and had favorable results, so I’m not sure what your point was.
The date given is Oct. 2021 and the trucker protests began in early 2022.
The trucker protests were excellent
Airplanes, trains, boats, gov employees, public service workers, private corp employees (based on gov advice - mostly office workers and sports players), all forms of healthcare workers, schools, immigrants, and military to name a few.
But most of it has been repealed now thankfully