Firefox has been improving drastically in terms of performance with every release. It’s pretty evident in recent months, which is very heartwarming to be honest.
I, however, do to some bad circumstances, have been stuck with a not-so-good laptop (8 GB RAM, a 6th gen processor in AMD A8 7410) and Firefox doesn’t run that well on it. This is something that I’ve observed with Firefox- if you have a decent machine then it will run amazingly fast. However, on lower-end machines, performance can be a struggle AT TIMES.
Any tips on making this browser run at it’s best potential on a weak system are appreciated!
Installing an adblocker like uBlock Origin improves performance but aside from that I don’t think there’s a lot you can do
I already use uBO and it’s terrific! But yes, I don’t think much can be done because my old CPU is the main issue here and it can’t be replaced sadly.
I think the biggest limiting factor here is the lack of RAM on that system.
Hmm, you reckon? I do have another RAM slot empty (8GB (currently in use) + 8 GB (empty right now)).
Seems like I should add more RAM to my laptop for now.
run linux. best if you are just using it for browsing.
i recommend lubuntu
It won’t help much since browsing is about the same on every OS. Unless ofcourse OP is running 117 processes that take up 5.13 gb of ram.
source : Former windows user
This. Switching to Lubuntu from Windows would be like doubling your RAM because Lubuntu is very lightweight. I’d bet your main problem is running out of RAM.