This song does such a good job with communicating the conservaive trinity:
- persecution complex
- mad about things they themselves voted for
- mad that the other is getting something, which is obviously undeserved
In his interviews he claims he is a centrist but takes issues with teachers turning girls into boys and boys into girls.
So he’s a centrist™?
where are the teachers
tell me
I want the gender
I’m ootl, what’s the song?
id be willing to wager a $20 he used A.I. software and tweaked it for these lyrics. everyone commenting has been skirting, what i think, to be just a new trend in bait music.
The song is bad yet just cognitive enough to cause a stir.
That’s because a lot of Americans are under the impression that poor people are poor because they’re lazy, and not because they’re victims of oppression. They even cling to this absurd belief when they themselves are the victims of similar oppression. Must be lead in the water or something…
I’ve lived in very poor, rural, white American places, and it’s unironically all about skin color.
White and poor? It’s because the Democrats illegally steal your money with taxes, and any welfare is just you getting back less than you deserve.
Black and poor? It’s because you’re bad, and any welfare is the Democrats buying your vote and supporting you destroying the country with your violence.
Can confirm. There is no such thing as a “white welfare queen”.
It’s an outcome of puritanical Protestantism in the modern day. It’s nicknamed prosperity theology. Lack of wealth is seen as a moral failure, rather than a societal one. To be wealthy is to be granted abundance by God, and to be poor is to be punished for misdeeds in the eyes of God. It’s a cruel ideal that is deeply embedded into right wing American religious spaces.
Ah, yes. I remember Jesus explaining this in the lecture on the mount.
That sounds like something supply side Jesus would do
It is basically a slightly different variations of this
honestly I’m still shocked people are buying into Reagan’s welfare queen nonsense 40+ fucking years later
I was at guitar center shopping for a nylon classical and this kid was singing that Oliver guy’s one song in the acoustic room.
When he finished I told him that song is about me.
He also played wonder wall, no joke, 10 times.
You’re telling me that in the year of our lord 2023, people believe that welfare alone is enough to cover housing, food, and clothing? This really ought to set anyone with a brain completely off. You know how much you get from the government on welfare? Not even 500 fucking dollars
LMFAO how brainwashed can you possibly be?
Fuck this bible thumpin reactionary hillbilly dork.
“But he goes after both sides!”
No, He punches down on poor people. Fuck off with that.
Let’s conflate the prime thrust of the song with just the one line where he refers to food stamps and crucify him / not hold those sewing poverty and anxiety into society to account
The lyrics are extremely basic and not creative in the slightest. They make gestures towards working class solidarity, but are petit bourgeois attitudes wrapped in redneck aesthetics for comfortable middle class folk. Songs like this are a dime a dozen, and I’m sure you can find another song like this, especially in country/bluegrass, without the racist undertones.
Oh I don’t need the song I’m just pointing out how people are providing incompetent analysis like yourself
The prime thrust of the song is a dogwhistle about the confederacy
It’s a populist song it’s got fuck all to do with race. Try thinking for yourself and stop being an apologist for corporatism. What you don’t like is the populism because you like being lap dog to corporations so you try to conflate anything populist with racism because you saw someone else do it and you are a follower.
I didn’t say race. I said Confederacy. The lyrics continuously dogwhistle about the mason dixon line and the union / confederacy divide.
Can it really be populist and anti-corporate if it repeats talking points from Raegan? And if it was almost certainly funded and put in front of us by a think tank?
Songs are not often literal. When he sings about the “obese” i think he means “the wealthy” and not literally fat people.
deleted by creator
You could be mad at both… why is this a black and white issue? EBT abuse is real.
I have seen people literally sell the milk they get from EBT that was intended to be used for their baby. They bragged about being able to get the new iphone with it. I have seen homeless who buy bottled water on SNAP only to dump and resell the bottles so they could get cash for their addictions. Why would i not be mad at that just as I am at how corporate bailouts didnt help anyone except the top .01% of society?
Edit: so many hexbears. I dont care to respond to Kremlin bots.
Idk man, just seems like small potatoes, and rare. Everyone has to eat and I find it doubtful that the skinny EBT amounts will fund an addict’s lifestyle significantly if the food is resold on the secondary market.
This isn’t political memes
It’s pretty funny that the expectation on any man who picks up a guitar these days is not that he has a decent voice to go with, it’s that his political ideology is “correct” and cohesive and that he makes sure to convey the entire thing in a 4 minute song.
The people getting their knickers in twist over this song are lost.
Dude, no one is above getting mocked. Stop it with the butthurt lol
“Why don’t people want to listen to my racist song?”
Also the song sucks
Number 1 on Apple Music US and Global top 100 charts, but yeah - your opinion is the correct one, it’s everyone else that is wrong.
I think racism is wrong. Don’t you?
Sure. Exactly which part of “Rich men North of Richmond” did you find racist?
They’re dogwhistles. The parts about “the obese milkin welfare” and “taxes not ought to pay for your bags of fudge rounds.” Literally just Reagan era welfare queen rhetoric. If you don’t recognize those as racist dogwhistles you’ve been living under a rock for at least 40 years.
But even if you don’t see the dogwhistles I hope you can understand how the song is punching down on poor people
It’s punching down on fat, lazy people, and I’m ok with that.
Libs and wearing bigotry like a badge of honor, name a more iconic duo
Hahahaha so then don’t act like you don’t understand how it’s racist. The racism is what you like about it!
Unlike you, with dad’s boat dealership and the hard work you’ve done minding your manners and doing chores so you get the boat dealership someday!
Oh so you’re a chud!
no wonder you didn’t know what one was!