Reparations for the Holocaust were only given out under certain circumstances and did not cover everyone that deserved it. I know because my grandparents were survivors. People in certain ghettos got it and not others. It was not well implemented because refugees were all over the place. Reparations for slavery are ridiculous at this point. What we need is better education and mentorship in low-income communities regardless of race.
It is not only for slavery, but for Jim Crow, segregation and systematic racism. And sorry (not sorry), but black people should be the ones deciding whether they want reparations or not, not white people deciding for them wether they are ridiculous or not.
So black people dont get to decide on whether they get reparation after generations of stolen wealth? Yeah, that sounds like racist right wing propaganda bullshit.
As someone of Jewish heritage, my grandparents got off a refugee boat with no money and many dead family and dealt with systemic racism as well, however within one generation we are all living comfortably enough to not loot stores and do other dumb gangster shit. I feel like there is something else at play. Jim Crow ended in the mid 60’s. These people had practically a whole lifetime to catch up. It’s a cultural issue. They have shitty values. Not everyone, but a lot of them. Playing victim or criminal does not fix the problem. If they want respect, they should earn it like everyone else. I don’t respect looters.
You are an ignorant and racist dickhole. You know shit of black culture and all you are doing is victim blaming. Are you White? Why am I even asking? Of course you are white. Only a white neoliberal would believe the “I was able to do it, even though I had white privilege, therefore you can too”. You know shit and your opinion means garbage. Go educate yourself and learn fucking history, maybe even make black friends before spewing shit on a topic that you know nothing about.
I do have black friends. They are smart and do well for themselves. They are proof that there isn’t any remaining systemic racism. We had a black president for goodness sake. Their families embrace the white European culture instead of the white cracker culture. They were raised to value an education and apply themselves. That doesn’t always happen.
1- Nobody should have to embrace European culture. European culture is not superior to any other culture. Don’t be a Eurocentric moron.
2- America cannot be racist because of Obama? Are you 5? Things got pretty racist back then with people accusing Obama of being a Muslim terrorist and wanting to see his birth certificate because they didn’t even believe that he was American. Also, as soon as his term was over Americans elected a racist fascists that enacted pretty racist policies that made lives of black people harder.
3- What kind of logic is that? Just because some black people do well doesn’t mean that systematic racism doesn’t exist. That is like saying that because some Jewish people didn’t get killed the Holocaust never happened. Or like saying that because some native Americans survived, the American Holocaust didn’t happen.
You keep spewing the same bullshit right wing rhetoric.
Here is some starter reading material for you about what systematic racism.
1- Nobody should have to embrace European culture. European culture is not superior to any other culture. Don’t be a Eurocentric moron.
The point was to embrace a culture of family and learning of any kind instead of a white cracker culture.
2- America cannot be racist because of Obama? Are you 5? Things got pretty racist back then with people accusing Obama of being a Muslim terrorist and wanting to see his birth certificate because they didn’t even believe that he was American. Also, as soon as his term was over Americans elected a racist fascists that enacted pretty racist policies that made lives of black people harder.
I think that a Obama becoming president means that black people that apply themselves can do anything. I’m curious what racist policies you believe Trump enacted. I am not a fan of his, but if the Muslim country ban is one, it was specific to countries that were known to be harboring terrorists. The media made it worse than it was. The whole border wall thing was silly in terms of the imagery of an unnecessary literal wall, but the idea of having border policy and protection is important to any sovereign nation. There are racist people in the US, but that doesn’t mean that the system is rigged everywhere.
3- What kind of logic is that? Just because some black people do well doesn’t mean that systematic racism doesn’t exist. That is like saying that because some Jewish people didn’t get killed the Holocaust never happened. Or like saying that because some native Americans survived, the American Holocaust didn’t happen.
Systemic racism happened during Jim Crow, but ended and we all moved on. There are plenty of examples of black people that moved on to generating wealth because their families chose not to have a victim complex and embrace education and work.
You keep spewing the same bullshit right wing rhetoric.
I like to play devil’s advocate. I think many black people do this to themselves. The cycle needs to be broken in > poorer neighborhoods. I think that this requires more education and community activity funding, better community policing practices, and less no strings attached handouts.
Here is some starter reading material for you about what systematic racism.
I read White Fragility. It was terrible. The concept of the white overlords and privilege only applies when you are in the deep south. There are pockets of racism, but they don’t define the country. Officers need to be better trained, but black neighborhoods need to be policed too. Perhaps if the black neighborhoods were less dangerous, the officers wouldn’t be on edge.
This happens because black people tend to be in the wrong place at the wrong time a lot instead of at home with their family or on a family outing or at school or the library, etc. Then they have a victim attitude towards the justice system and fail to work effectively with their attorneys like little stubborn children.
The way that you refute every piece of evidence and data, with excuses based on your own opinion, shows that you are not a logical person. You are just a racist right-wing apologetic who hates black people. I dont think that I can reach someone like that. I hope that some day you can see the light.
Damn, I don’t know what you’ve started here but the number of presumably white people coming up with all sorts of reasons to argue why black people shouldn’t have reparations is… is it a white settler moment? Then to follow this up with ‘you need to include white people or they’re not going to like it’ is… maybe Malcolm X was onto something about white liberals.
The same way the Jews got reparations for the Hollocaust
Reparations for the Holocaust were only given out under certain circumstances and did not cover everyone that deserved it. I know because my grandparents were survivors. People in certain ghettos got it and not others. It was not well implemented because refugees were all over the place. Reparations for slavery are ridiculous at this point. What we need is better education and mentorship in low-income communities regardless of race.
It is not only for slavery, but for Jim Crow, segregation and systematic racism. And sorry (not sorry), but black people should be the ones deciding whether they want reparations or not, not white people deciding for them wether they are ridiculous or not.
Neither black nor white people should decide whether they get money but common sense/moral integrity should decide
So black people dont get to decide on whether they get reparation after generations of stolen wealth? Yeah, that sounds like racist right wing propaganda bullshit.
As someone of Jewish heritage, my grandparents got off a refugee boat with no money and many dead family and dealt with systemic racism as well, however within one generation we are all living comfortably enough to not loot stores and do other dumb gangster shit. I feel like there is something else at play. Jim Crow ended in the mid 60’s. These people had practically a whole lifetime to catch up. It’s a cultural issue. They have shitty values. Not everyone, but a lot of them. Playing victim or criminal does not fix the problem. If they want respect, they should earn it like everyone else. I don’t respect looters.
You are an ignorant and racist dickhole. You know shit of black culture and all you are doing is victim blaming. Are you White? Why am I even asking? Of course you are white. Only a white neoliberal would believe the “I was able to do it, even though I had white privilege, therefore you can too”. You know shit and your opinion means garbage. Go educate yourself and learn fucking history, maybe even make black friends before spewing shit on a topic that you know nothing about.
I do have black friends. They are smart and do well for themselves. They are proof that there isn’t any remaining systemic racism. We had a black president for goodness sake. Their families embrace the white European culture instead of the white cracker culture. They were raised to value an education and apply themselves. That doesn’t always happen.
1- Nobody should have to embrace European culture. European culture is not superior to any other culture. Don’t be a Eurocentric moron.
2- America cannot be racist because of Obama? Are you 5? Things got pretty racist back then with people accusing Obama of being a Muslim terrorist and wanting to see his birth certificate because they didn’t even believe that he was American. Also, as soon as his term was over Americans elected a racist fascists that enacted pretty racist policies that made lives of black people harder.
3- What kind of logic is that? Just because some black people do well doesn’t mean that systematic racism doesn’t exist. That is like saying that because some Jewish people didn’t get killed the Holocaust never happened. Or like saying that because some native Americans survived, the American Holocaust didn’t happen.
You keep spewing the same bullshit right wing rhetoric.
Here is some starter reading material for you about what systematic racism.
Median African American Household Wealth Will Reach $0 by 2053
Discriminatory housing practices are leading to the devaluation of Black Americans
Black people nine times more likely to face stop and search than white people
Wrongful convictions disproportionately affect Black Americans, report shows
Black men sentenced to more time for committing the exact same crime as a white person, study finds
Black people are about 7½ times more likely to be wrongfully convicted of murder in the U.S. than are whites, and about 80% more likely to be innocent than others convicted of murder, according to a new report by the National Registry of Exonerations.
The point was to embrace a culture of family and learning of any kind instead of a white cracker culture.
I think that a Obama becoming president means that black people that apply themselves can do anything. I’m curious what racist policies you believe Trump enacted. I am not a fan of his, but if the Muslim country ban is one, it was specific to countries that were known to be harboring terrorists. The media made it worse than it was. The whole border wall thing was silly in terms of the imagery of an unnecessary literal wall, but the idea of having border policy and protection is important to any sovereign nation. There are racist people in the US, but that doesn’t mean that the system is rigged everywhere.
Systemic racism happened during Jim Crow, but ended and we all moved on. There are plenty of examples of black people that moved on to generating wealth because their families chose not to have a victim complex and embrace education and work.
I like to play devil’s advocate. I think many black people do this to themselves. The cycle needs to be broken in > poorer neighborhoods. I think that this requires more education and community activity funding, better community policing practices, and less no strings attached handouts.
I read White Fragility. It was terrible. The concept of the white overlords and privilege only applies when you are in the deep south. There are pockets of racism, but they don’t define the country. Officers need to be better trained, but black neighborhoods need to be policed too. Perhaps if the black neighborhoods were less dangerous, the officers wouldn’t be on edge.
Everyone is feeling the recession. Things costs more and it’s hard to save. This is not a uniquely black thing.
Houses that are expensive are expensive. They are not expensive to deter black people. Not everything is about putting down black people.
Black people commit far more crimes. They should really stop doing that.
This happens because black people tend to be in the wrong place at the wrong time a lot instead of at home with their family or on a family outing or at school or the library, etc. Then they have a victim attitude towards the justice system and fail to work effectively with their attorneys like little stubborn children.
Statistics don’t always tell the whole story. Their could be repeat offenders confounding the data.
The way that you refute every piece of evidence and data, with excuses based on your own opinion, shows that you are not a logical person. You are just a racist right-wing apologetic who hates black people. I dont think that I can reach someone like that. I hope that some day you can see the light.
Damn, I don’t know what you’ve started here but the number of presumably white people coming up with all sorts of reasons to argue why black people shouldn’t have reparations is… is it a white settler moment? Then to follow this up with ‘you need to include white people or they’re not going to like it’ is… maybe Malcolm X was onto something about white liberals.