Hopefully this fits here? Its self hosted, but not quite what the usual self hosted post would be. I’ve not seen any real reviews of these, so I figured I’d post
Hopefully this fits here? Its self hosted, but not quite what the usual self hosted post would be. I’ve not seen any real reviews of these, so I figured I’d post
Agreed. I do not have MyQ by choice, and I’m actively looking for a new solution now that I can’t connect via Home assistant, but honestly I don’t love either solution shared in this article. Perhaps someone in the community will reverse engineer the MyQ controllers or MIM the API to enable local network control (see local tuya)
Our solution that we set up years ago was to connect a Shelly to circuits on a normal, dumb door opener. The Shelly triggers open/closed itself and since the signal comes from the opener, there’s no crypto nonsense to figure out. It always works, no matter what MyQ/Chamberlain/LiftMaster do. Bonus, it also works if you have a very old opener.
We also supplemented this with a tilt sensor so we know the state of the garage door. The door can still be cracked and not registered as opened, but that’s a compromise we’re okay with since we never leave it intentionally cracked.
The ratgdo seems to do everything MyQ did but locally. What’s the issue?
Look into ratgdo. No need to replace the whole unit, and a much cheaper solution overall.