Arab-Americans form a large enough population in the mid-west swing states. This is a known fact.
They are a requisite component for the coalition that allows the Democratic party to win presidential elections in the mid-west swing states. This is also a known fact.
It requires very little intuition to know that Arab-Americans will react negatively to a person who approves of and enables the genocide of a civilian population group that they identify with.
That is what happened. Support has dropped for Biden among Arab-Americans in the swing states to a single digit.
Every other typically Democratic voting demographic group could vote the same as they normally do, and Biden would lose due to loss of a key member of the swing state coalition.
Biden took that action, knowing it would likely blow up his Arab-American support so that he could give weapons and support to a group that has so far killed at least 5000 children. If you sort them in order of age, it takes six pages to get to a child older than 0. That was what he was willing to destroy his chances of getting re-elected for.
I’m not arguing that anyone should vote, or not vote for Biden. I’m saying that a win is now impossible due to his administrations actions regardless of what I, individually, do. If you want to be angry about Trump becoming a fucking dictator, be mad at the person who made it a certainty so he could help kill 5000 children.
You literally didn’t read a goddamn thing I said.
It doesn’t matter who I vote for.
Arab-Americans form a large enough population in the mid-west swing states. This is a known fact.
They are a requisite component for the coalition that allows the Democratic party to win presidential elections in the mid-west swing states. This is also a known fact.
It requires very little intuition to know that Arab-Americans will react negatively to a person who approves of and enables the genocide of a civilian population group that they identify with.
That is what happened. Support has dropped for Biden among Arab-Americans in the swing states to a single digit.
Every other typically Democratic voting demographic group could vote the same as they normally do, and Biden would lose due to loss of a key member of the swing state coalition.
Biden took that action, knowing it would likely blow up his Arab-American support so that he could give weapons and support to a group that has so far killed at least 5000 children. If you sort them in order of age, it takes six pages to get to a child older than 0. That was what he was willing to destroy his chances of getting re-elected for.
I’m not arguing that anyone should vote, or not vote for Biden. I’m saying that a win is now impossible due to his administrations actions regardless of what I, individually, do. If you want to be angry about Trump becoming a fucking dictator, be mad at the person who made it a certainty so he could help kill 5000 children.