Are there any safe, functional apps for iOS mobile devices (specifically iPhone, but iPad would be nice too) that let you use Youtube without ads? Something like what Youtube Revanced is for Android.
In the AppStore, search Vinegar. Works for me. 👍
I recommend this. Firefox Focus works for free also
Just FYI for anybody that looks it up, it appears to be a paid application.
It’s a Safari extension for 1.99 USD
Use the Yattee app and connect it to your preferred invidious or piped instance.
Can also vouch for yattee
does it open Youtube links from other apps? I don’t use iOS but I’ve been wondering how viable it is to recommend it to friends who do as a replacement for the Youtube app.
I use Signtunes with uYouPlusExtra (on GitHub). This does not require a computer, but will cost you 10-15$ yearly to sideload without a computer. But Apple will allow sideloading SoonTM, so it might become free.
uYouPlus is no longer being actively developed, uYouPlusExtra is a fork under active development.
Firefox focus is free and works perfectly
Also perfectly fine, I just prefer the features the uYouPlus app offers. It’s not only ad blocking, but also sponsor blocking, pop out player, background playback, reordering tabs (so I can remove the annoying shorts tab), and a bunch more.
Invidious+Yattee is how I roll.
I gotta parrot this everywhere but Firefox focus works perfectly
There are a handful of options if you’re looking for a tweaked version of the YouTube app (no jailbreak needed) with enhanced options (blocking ads, skipping sponsored segments, allowing downloads, enabling PiP)
I personally use YouTube Reborn Plus
As for loading the IPA onto my iPhone I use Sideloadly.
I know a lot of others use AltStore.
Keep in mind, if you have a paid Apple Dev account like myself you only have to load the app on your device once a year. But, if you have a free account you’ll need to do this weekly. That being said, that is why so many users prefer AltStore, it automates the process to ensure you don’t hit that weekly threshold.
I watch it in the orion browser with ublock
There definitely is a way with jailbreaking, as I’m sure there are tweaks for youtube on the repos. But that requires an exploit.
With no jailbreak - you can sideload this:
Anyone have anything that works on Apple TV? I have some invidious app or other that basically never works, at all.
iOS doesn’t give many options to remove ads from YouTube videos. You can’t really circumvent the native YT app (at least in my experience). What’s worked for me for the past few years is:
- watching Youtube in Safari
- purchasing the Wipr and Vinegar extensions from the App store
I have not seen a single ad on iOS on YouTube this way. I’m pretty sure Vinegar is doing the heavy lifting specifically on YouTube but Wipr picks up the slack on every other website.
Firefox Focus appears to let me play youtube without ads, but I’m unclear if it’s because I also have the Vinegar extension (which shouldn’t matter, since the extension itself says it only works in Safari.)
I use an app called Orion, which is a browser, you can add extensions from Firefox and chrome.
And they don’t work. I tried uBlock on my IPad Air 2 and no add blocked. PopUpBlocker Strict was also important for me, but also doesn’t work. DarkReader seemed to work.
I created a NextDNS account and configured the app, still ads on YouTube in Firefox.
The only two for me that work are Brave and Vivaldi. As I really don’t like what Brave does I’ll stick with Vivaldi.
iOS is such an uncomfortable and greedy ecosystem…
Edit: Just now I created a piped account and installed Yattee and is it the closest you can get on non-jailbroken iOS?
Here’s the configuration
Piped no ads built in sponsor block and many instances have region bypass
you can use the web version with adguard and it won’t show ads, though sometimes you have to refresh to get to the video
deleted by creator
Pay for premium in Argentina, set a VPN to verify, checks out for me. Family plan is so effing cheap.
Turkey also works. $0.50/mo with family, no KYC required.
Does doing this fuck with your recommendations? Or open your account to being banned if you don’t continue accessing it from the subscribed country?
Everything is fine for me.
Suggesting payment plans on a piracy oriented comm 🤔…
Well, normal YT premium is $14/mo, so $0.50 is practically piracy.
If the company allows it, that’s not piracy.
Well, on iOS to have an app-like experience you either connect to your PC every week to re-sign the app, pay ~$15/yr to sideload without a PC or pay $6/yr to get Turkish YouTube Premium, which also gives you YouTube Music Premium and you can use on all platform. Sounds clearly like an exploit to me.
How? I want to do this but Google never allows me, something always breaks in the payment process
I can share with you a method to buy for Turkey.
- Make an account on the „FUPS” app. You will need a Turkish SIM to verify - is a very cheap option
- Buy a FUPS card from some online reseller. I’ve used this
- Scan the card’s QR code in the FUPS app. You now can use the card to spend money from your FUPS account
- Use Revolut to convert money to Turkish liras, and use the „Card recipient” transfer option to add money to that account with basically 0 fees.
Now to buy a family subscription, I personally used an android virtual machine, on which, while connected to a Turkish VPN, I made a new account on a random Turkish address. Then just bought the sub in the YouTube app.
Afterwards, you can invite others to your family. But, they won’t be able to just join, they need to go to -> Settings -> Close payments profile
Then they need to add a CC to their account (doesn’t have to be Turkish), but make sure that they put a random Turkish billing address to that card. Wait ~10 minutes, and they can join the family, and after they’re in, they can re-do the google pay stuff to get it back to normal. Won’t kick them out.
Hey, thanks man! I actually managed, set my only payments profile to Ukraine and bought it that way, now it works!
Okay, FUPS might not work anymore. Check this page for other methods (I do realize the sub name sounds shady)
I have a friend who is sharing his Argentine account with me. How he pays I don’t really know. The important bit for me was to VPN to Arg before logging in. Maybe search in YouTube for instructions?