I was 12 when I watched my first beheading video.
I was 13 when I saw a dude get ripped in half by a train.
I was 14 when I saw a old man opened up his butthole.
I was 15 when I watched two girls eating shit out of a cup.
This was before Facebook.
Dialup wasn’t without its charms. We had to work to traumatize ourselves
I really don’t like snuff crap but I’ve seen my fair share. Horrifying. The delusions that one human must possess to do that to another is incomprehensible to me. I guess it’s better knowing that it exists and is real to make better informed decisions, but I wish it would end and never come back.
I somehow avoided all the death gore videos but I saw ALL the weird sex shit.
I vividly remember an album of dude meticulously cutting off his dick. It was very well documented and I don’t remember much vividly but that I do. My internet access was AOL.
Yep… you’re a bit younger than me, but yeah… we saw a lot of shit that wasn’t meant for our age (when there was no age filtering).
And nothing wrong with us 😂… kinda makes you wonder 🤔.
nothing wrong with us
Speak for yourself lol
I didn’t need to know that.
Same man. Same.
You guys have filtering/blurring nowadays… imagine how things were for us 😂.
I saw my first zoo porn when I was 12 😬 😂.
Don’t need to say it, we know, we know… we’re fucked for life 😂.
Now, I stay well away from all NSFL content. Uhg.
RIP Nick Berg (Wiki)
I was in my early 20s when I read this comment.
deleted by creator
Violence, and violent sex crimes against women, are completely acceptable for children *in American Puritan Media Culture. However yeah even that shocks me, but maybe because you worded it like that and otherwise wouldn’t have picked up on how horrible it is because it’s so normalized.
***edited to clarify my point because wow for someone who usually rambles I did NOT give enough information
Kind of an odd anecdote, but I remember when bronies were a thing, they legitimately made an entire community effort to scrub all the porn and adult-target content from My Little Pony searches so kids won’t see stuff like the Rainbow Dash cum jar when they look up MLP.
Kinda wish more internet communities made that kind of effort to clean stuff up so kids aren’t desensitized to horrible stuff early on.
EDIT: hot damn, the post is still up for those curious about the brony stuff
Did they? I thought they just kept drawing ever-more degenerate porn
Some small forum post with barely two pages from a decade ago?
The two sides of the fandom!
It’s sad
They drew this Samsung Galaxy S8 with great detail
the finger as well
A tale as old as the internet.
The internet has 7 years to clean itself up for my oldest to become 12. Do China and North Korea have this problem? They have other shit going on, but did they at least solve this shit?
Sorry, I think you’ll just have to talk to your kid.
Talking to a kid about the deep terrible natures of mankind, gruesome accidents and gory slaughterings is something I would like to postpone as far as possible.
Back in the old days the horrific and protracted public executions held in common squares were a perfect opportunity to bring up “the talk” but alas we’re without such an ice breaker these days.
Can’t I just send them to North Korea and have them deal with it?
NK might have more structural problems of violence, China probably has both.
The internet has 7 years to clean itself up for my oldest to become 12.
I have bad news for you. Realism and Resilience might work better than Mitigation in this case.
Do you have children?
Do you have experience with introducing them the gore and excessive violence? I think I need advice from seniors😅
@SnuggleSnail No Internet, No Cry
I remember my friend telling me in 2000 that he saw a video at college of a guy having a knife shoved into his neck. I obviously didn’t believe him, and anyway it sounded kinda tame and I wasn’t sure why he was so disturbed by it. So we spent about 2 hours downloading RealPlayer at my house and then the video clip. Genuine trauma ensued. It’s a now-famous video of a Russian soldier being stabbed in the neck and beheaded by Chechen rebels. Turned out to be one of the lesser atrocities from that war caught on film, but it was my first internet-based trauma. The same friend and I goaded each other into clicking on links on Rotten dot com while chatting on MSN Messenger, to let the other person know how fucked up it was and if it was safe to click on the other person’s end.
Then Ogrish dot com came along and all manner of horrors became available. Many more Chechen war atrocities, random murders, executions, the latest beheadings from Iraq, you name it they had it. It was during this period in the early to mid 2000s that I developed a thick callous around my brain which let me view those materials without getting PTSD like I did with that first video.
Occasionally, even that decades-old callous can be penetrated. The creative folks working as chief torturers for the Central and South American drug cartels have really given me a run for my money, in terms of what I can stomach seeing. Every time I thought “well, this has to be the worst thing you can do to a human” they released another video making the previous one look like a merciful death.
The idea of this sort of stuff being one or two clicks away from children is terrifying. Imagine a 6-year-old watching Funkytown. What manner of therapy would you even deploy in such a scenario? “Yes sweetie, sometimes bad men and women like to peel people like meat-bananas, but don’t worry, that won’t happen to you. Anyway, off to bed with ya!” 😬
Dog of Man