Found smash/totk on fitgirl repacks but it uses yuzu which requires a switch. Not spending 300 on an ageing console atp, is there any workaround?
You definitely can! I’m using Yuzu on Linux with an jurassic 1050Ti and it works perfectly. I basically play Mario Kart 8 and BotW (for now, TotK in the queue) and never touched an actual Switch in person (seriously! I’m Brazilian and these things are hell expensive here).
yeah I get that, 300+ for something you’re using for maybe 2 games makes no sense
I don’t want to spend 400 and more just to play miitopia 😭
i think post can help you
Wait so you have to pay for the keys?
In what way does yuzu require a Switch? That hasn’t been my experience.
just reading off their site: Prerequisites A hackable Nintendo Switch console (preferably a model that is vulnerable to the fusée-gelée exploit). Visit Is My Switch Patched? to check if your console is not patched. A microSD card with at least 32 GB of storage capacity. 64 GB or higher is recommended. A USB-C to USB-A or USB-C to USB-C cable to connect your Switch to your computer. TegraRcmGUI – Download TegraRcmGUI_v2.6_Installer.msi ums-loader – Download ums-loader.bin Hekate – Download Windows users: Also download nyx_usb_max_rate__run_only_once_per_windows_pc.reg and run it for faster transfer speeds over USB. For details, see the NOTE section in the release page. This hekate configuration file – hekate_ipl.ini Atmosphére – Download both and fusee.bin. Lockpick_RCM – Download Lockpick_RCM.bin NXDumpTool – Download nxdumptool.nro nxDumpFuse – Download TegraExplorer – Download TegraExplorer.bin (Optional) JKSV – Download JKSV.nro Download this homebrew application if you wish to dump your save data from your Switch to yuzu. RCM Jig – We highly recommend one like this, but you could use any of the methods outlined here.
Fitgirl’s repacks already contain the necessary files. These steps are unnecessary. There are also alternative ways of sourcing the files. :)
ok, thank you, can I also ask for the general idea of where to find these?
This prod site has everything you need besides the rom