AI is cool. AI research is valuable. AI has the power to be a transformative technology.
Corporate AI hype for tech fueled neofeudalism is not cool. Commodification of AI is not valuable. LLMs will never substantively change the world.
AI is cool. AI research is valuable. AI has the power to be a transformative technology.
Corporate AI hype for tech fueled neofeudalism is not cool. Commodification of AI is not valuable. LLMs will never substantively change the world.
If your love letter isn’t given in the form of highly obfuscated C, is it really a love letter? I don’t know, but what I do know is that I love you! <3
This whole message reads like “we don’t actually care but we have to say that we do 😉🙂↕️”
BuT wE hAvE jOuRnAlIsTiC iNtEgRiTy. AlSo FuCk DaVe SiRoTa
Veterans affairs, healthcare services for veterans in the USA (one of few social healthcare systems in the US, notoriously underfunded and underperforming their services)
TFW the “good” pile is the same as the cull pile
deleted by creator
I demand the government force this private company to provide me free speech.
That’s a great distinction, I’m gonna start stealing that.
Some people aren’t anti establishment, they are anti-not-my-establishment. You can’t call yourself anti establishment if you just don’t like the current one.
I can’t stand for this protest, it’s so gd cynical.
The only cause I can support is “everyone sucks including me”
Vector embeddings with ChromaDB. Basically you pre compute the word embeddings of every row / table / whatever granularity you want and then stick that into a vector DB. Then you do an embedding computation of your query and compare similarity. You can either return the table / row / whatever you want that’s most similar (“semantic search”) or you use that as context for an LLM (“RAG”)
I love unique dialog, makes games feel so immersive :)
Thanks for your insights. I meant underrated in terms of exposure. As you indeed pointed out, it’s highly praised by those who have played it. And it’s not a hidden gem by any means it just feels less zeitgeisty than BG is. I haven’t actually seen the numbers so that could just be anecdotal.
With your incidental review, I am excited to play it! Probably after Starfield though :)
I haven’t played it yet but would like to so no spoilers please, but from what little I’ve seen it just looks like reskinned and slightly upgraded D:OS2.
DOS2 is one of my favorite games of all time and i am somewhat suspicious that people think Baldur’s gate is some novel masterpiece when really it’s that Divinity is super under rated and relatively unknown by comparison. Can anyone who has played both games weigh in on this?
And if it is the case that gameplay is very similar, is it just the setting / writing that is much better in BG that makes it stand apart or was it just coincidence / hype that made this game succeed harder?
lol it’s like c++ but we removed friend classes and other bullshit no one uses lol