Calling everything even mildly controversial ‘-gate’ was super played out decades ago IMHO.
Calling everything even mildly controversial ‘-gate’ was super played out decades ago IMHO.
Has a distro ever gone under purely because of competition?
For what it’s worth both the computers in this apartment are Linux machines and were either hand-me-downs from friends or left abandoned in apartments, so free as in beer. Told the apartment maintenance manager what I did with the abandoned one and she thinks that’s what we should do with all of them.
I’ve got some nostalgia for the movie since it’s where my name came from but yeah, it’s definitely shows the ahhh… sensitivity of the time.
Is this a Mandela effect thing or do I remember steamOS starting as a public distro?
I remember having a torrent client set up was a great way to become popular back in 2010
sad trombone
Well to that end chromium is still around and I’m sure there’s deshittified builds of that floating around too but it is going to quickly become harder to find not shitty browsers the way things are going over at Mozilla.
Hell if I recall correctly they aren’t even that far off each other on the proverbial family tree.
Edit: though I should mention they’ve both strayed pretty far from those roots.
I’ve never encountered a better argument for piracy and drm-free content than abandonware
There’s honor amoung thieves and you have most of it.
Maybe he’ll revoke her superuser permissions.
I’m thinking through it and I don’t think you should run a therapist off your phone either. Not even for privacy reasons, that just seems like a recipe for disaster.
Was a diesel mechanic for a summer, the power stroke is a good motor and I like the f series more than other pickups but they came in the most often for maintenance, take that how you will. Cummins didn’t break much so it was rare to see them but it was damn near a pleasure to work on them, the old diesel rams give you so much room to work with and don’t put stupid shit in the way. If every single GM executive goes to hell exclusively for the Duramax I wouldn’t consider that unjust.
The change in the mood of the room from starting the trailer to the ‘2025’ announcement was like skydiving without a parachute.
Well the unfortunate part of that is it isn’t working and a solid 30% of the population will just call you ‘woke’ and ignore you for saying it.
Well I just got a great idea for next time I need to change a password.
I’m by no means a programmer, but the frequency in which “RTFM” makes me the problem solver in a group allows me to relate to whoever made this.
Pinkerton Consulting and Investigations Inc is a pretty good one too.
I just found a ad-blocker build for the esp-32 so I’m gonna grab a 3-pack of the s3 model and some other electronics and play some games.