They do, you just can’t hear it
It’s like how elephants communicate
They do, you just can’t hear it
It’s like how elephants communicate
And a decade or so ago it was LOLCODE that had me mildly concerned for the wellbeing of my peers.
Welp here’s hoping something pops up to replace gravity sync soon, can’t really upgrade until it does.
I just found https://github.com/mattwebbio/orbital-sync but it’s not apparent if it’s compatible with v6 yet
Seemingly every interaction this man has with a normal person is him finding newer and more interesting ways of declaring himself an absolute moron.
How the fuck is he the de facto president of the USA?
Elon probably thinks
Not really sure he does, I think he’s clearly paying others to do that for him
No one deserves your immediate attention at the drop of a message
We need to re-normalise asynchronous communication
We really need someone other than Qualcomm & Apple to come up with lossless Bluetooth audio codecs.
TBF the whole Bluetooth audio situation is a complete mess
Assuming you mean hosting stuff on a VPS or similar, I think the Lemmy selfhosting communities consider that also self hosting on some level.
If you more meant for commercial hosting, there’s no harm in asking, I’d wager a fair few people subscribed probably work in the industry.
If you meant the behind the scenes stuff of running a hosting provider, you might have a little less luck, but you never know
Well this will hopefully be a nice little performance boost for the Steam deck down the line
I’m aware, though there’s some nice integration stuff that means you can run GUI applications and share the file system
Interesting fact WSLv1 was actually not a VM and it was the NT kernel speaking POSIX
Oh yeah, I’d say Windows in general just chomps through RAM, but there has been some times that WSL takes it to chrome-like levels
Technically the “Linux on Mac” is Unix based and not Linux, but I agree the dev experience is nicer on my Mac than Windows given the choice. Also rather than docker you can use the WSL stuff on Windows for a much closer to normal Linux dev setup (with a few weird edges).
I end up regularly using all three OSes, so it’s helpful you can finally get a serviceable dev environment on any of the common non-mobile OSes now.
Whenever I develop on Windows, I just use the built in Linux.
Kinda crazy that Linux can support some older Direct X games better than Windows these days
Finally! I think I need to put some annual leave in
I can hear the facing worlds music in my head
It makes you a rational human.
There have been journalists publishing accidentally and maliciously false articles since the dawn of the press.
It’s healthy to engage in appropriate scepticism of all that you read, particularly that of the press. Fact check everything that doesn’t feel right (or anything that feels too reductive or simplified), over time you get a feel for who the serial liars are and who are generally reporting faithfully
Microsoft used to actually hide games in Office back in the day
Wait this game has been around for 7 years and I’m just now finding out about it?!