That’s fair. I feel like it’s well worth it, but I do get a kick out of bug fixing and tinkering too.
That’s fair. I feel like it’s well worth it, but I do get a kick out of bug fixing and tinkering too.
That’s cool. I may keep an eye out for old Kindles in thrift stores and whatnot. With the advent of android tablets that just have e paper displays, I probably will try those before buying another kindle.
Hey, that could be how they buckled, but that’s all water under the bridge now.
Gender is a second order tensor, so you should store it as a pointer to an array of pointers for maximum read/write speed.
I feel like building a top of the line PC cost less than half this just one generation ago. What on earth happened?
Edit: maybe the specs in the comic are just crazy.
For how janky driverless cars can be, I am not optimistic that we’re close. I wouldn’t want a huge bus full of people getting confused on the road. If driverless cars didn’t require so much human intervention to function normally, I would have a different feeling.
Interesting. I didn’t know that about deleting comments. The web client on my instance has a delete button, but is there some kind of issue with that change not necessarily propagating to other instances?
It doesn’t bother me much personally since you never really can be sure that you deleted something from the internet. Even if reddit deletes a comment, you can possibly find it on an archive somewhere. Anything you toss onto the web should be something you’re comfortable with the world knowing.
I admit that I’m skeptical since everyone is a node. It probably is fine, but I don’t know the risks that I take by volunteering as a node. I thought that VPNs can be fine as long as they don’t store logs, but I could be mistaken.
Maybe it’s a skill issue, but this game was Star Wars Jedi Knight 2 for me. I think I played it on the second easiest difficulty. On higher difficulties, the enemies move much faster and do more damage, and you start to realize how inaccurate the guns are. On top of that, the weapons are projectile weapons, so you’re aiming inaccurate and slow projectiles at stormtroopers shuffling left and right rapidly. I think it’s much more fun to just play on the first or second difficulty.
That’s a good recipe for popular posts anywhere on the internet. Anger gets the clicks.
Maybe not exactly what you’re looking for, but Vangers is a game that uses voxels AFAIK.
Not every enterprise runs crowdstrike, so it’s not Microsoft’s fault. I was having trouble finding out what happened because our computers were working normally, lol. The XKCD comic tipped me off.
I’m tempted to give this a try. I already am really happy with my VPN and password manager, but it looks like you can subscribe to mail/calendar for a reasonable price. If I did that and drive, I’d rely on Google a lot less.
This is a beautiful game. The OST and visuals are amazing, and the movement is pretty fun as well. I remember playing a couple of times with one person through the whole game. Once was one of my first few runs, and the last was a white robe who showed me where all the collectibles are.
He’s right you know. Scrapers and journalists will simultaneously know and respect the fact that he is not in the US, nor does he allow them to use his content without adherence to the license that he tacked on. I mean who would do that? And if they do? Oh boy they’ll be in trouble. Cory Doctorow will probably fire on them from his balloon or something. It’ll be glorious.
Coding requirements could be a lot less strict if we just solved this bus problem.
Look at Mr moneybags over here.
You can test drive the car before you buy though. I did some months ago, though I didn’t end up buying it.
Granted, you don’t try the exact vehicle that you’ll be buying. You used to be able to return the vehicle within 7 days, but it looks like they canceled that policy.
I have 40 minutes in google earth flight sim if that guy is sleeping.
Yeah the amount of choices is overwhelming. Luckily desktop environment shouldn’t make or break the experience for anyone. KDE is kind of buggy, but there are so many customization choices. Ultimately I still ended up preferring cinnamon.