If you are sailing the seven seas, you should be using a vpn of any kind by default, so this won’t do shit to you anyway.
Italy thinks their crappy piracy shield works and it does jack to anyone using even the cheapest vpn.
I am not a velociraptor
If you are sailing the seven seas, you should be using a vpn of any kind by default, so this won’t do shit to you anyway.
Italy thinks their crappy piracy shield works and it does jack to anyone using even the cheapest vpn.
Don’t quote me on this but I think the problem is the game tries to load EVERYTHING on the map, even if it’s not visible. So if your island has decorations and trees in a decent amount, frame rate will suffer a lot, and load times will increase absurdly.
AC runs poorly even on switch. As soon as your island gets some decorations or becomes complex, you’ll see tons of dips in performance and how the console struggles hard to run it. Not surprised the deck struggles too, the game itself is poorly optimized
Oh well, looks like it’ll be another gaming gen in which I will buy zero AAA games.
Fitgirl is one of the best repackers out there, I have never found a compromised torrent coming from her. Dodi is too a very good and equally safe one. I’d say you can trust any torrent coming from their sites without any worry.
Block third party scripts and third party frames.
Works wonders every time.
Generally, 12ft.io works pretty well for me.
Doesn’t work for me either. Mail cache empty.
Whenever I find an obnoxious captcha, I just leave the page after two failed attempt (not really failed, but you know how it is, the system decides that you have to repeat the captcha again).
The problem is with certain services (like GoG) that I’ve had for years but that lately don’t want VPNs because reasons and will keep forcing the captchas indefinitely even when I’m login or redeeming a game. Those are the worst, and honestly? They are only harming themselves with them. I don’t buy from them anymore because last time I wanted to login to buy something, I had to go through a least 20 captchas just to login (and, of course, the audio captcha wouldn’t work because that would make me “skip” the whole ordeal). After that I decided to go to gog only if there is a game that they are giving away and I really want.
I don’t mind when there is one captcha. ONE. But when you use privacy tools such as a vpn, you rarely have to solve one captcha. You need to solve several, at times, losing more than 5 minutes because they refuse to let you in when they see you are on a vpn.
Ads can be blocked, captchas are required to access certain contents, and some are absurdly annoying if they detect you are using a vpn or tor.
Click on all the squares where you see a motorbike.
Failed! There was a fraction of motorbike behind the car in the background that you couldn’t possibly see. Try again.
Rinse and repeat, 15 more times.
I’d bet money it’s the soccer industry.
They are raising prices obscenely and more people are moving to alternative sources to watch it. Those sources are generally IPTVs and the industry is bleeding subs a an allarming rate because (according to them) piracy. Of course, the fact that in countries like Italy, a soccer sub goes over 60€ a month and can be closer to 100€, is not to blame for the users turning to iptvs…
Only soccer is around 60€ a month (more if you want to watch all the games and not just a selection), so do the math
I’m not native italian so take this with a grain of salt. All the acronyms I’ve heard in italian are pronounced as you would pronounce that word if it was Italian. Weirdly enough, they include a lot of English words (not acronyms) in their daily vocabulary and they pronounce those in English.
TIL. In Italian it’s used as a word (not an acronym) to refer to those devices.
You have to be a special kind of stupid to pay for this kind of service with your personal card. But if you get caught a second time then I can’t have any sympathy for you.
This situation reminds me of that drug dealer (always in italy) that accepted payments for his merch using his own POS (idk the word in English, it’s one of those terminals to accept payments with cards).
They used their personal prepaid card (one registered to their own name and issued by the public postal service) to pay for the iptv sub.
Happy as I am because this shows that there is no crime in watching those streams, I can’t but stand in awe at the sheer stupidity of these guys.
Oh well, I’ll keep “borrowing” my ebooks from other librarieZ.