* Yiddish has entered the conversation
* Yiddish has entered the conversation
Had the world settled on German, someone might be making a similar argument that the world dodged a bullet by choosing a language with phonetic orthography and words composed of logical building blocks rather than a mess like English
A key reason English became the preeminent language of scientific and technical communication, and thus the source of keywords in programming languages, is because German (the other candidate) fell out of favour due to the two world wars. So, were it not for Prussian militarism, our programming languages may have instead been based on German (along with most scientific literature being in German).
Haskell would be reserved for drug offenders
The sentence should scale with the crime. Nonviolent burglars and minor frauds could be taught Python, more serious crimes could get Go, whereas the most depraved offenders could be sentenced to C++
We have an American commercial illustrator named Warner Sallman to blame for the canonical Jesus’ melanin deficit.
If it had “web3” in the description, that should have been a huge red flag in itself.
He has a point about the stickers. If you saw that on a laptop and didn’t know what it was, a good first guess is that it’s some kind of weird sex thing, possibly hobbit-themed.
“alien” as in little green/grey UFO people is a metaphor from “alien” as in foreigner
I have historically gone with PostgreSQL and had no complaints. The licensing issues concerning MySQL also give one pause (Oracle are greedy bastards who will use any excuse to extract money from captive customers, so depending on their properties is to be avoided). Having said that, these days, SQLite is probably sufficient for many workloads and has the advantage of not requiring a database server.
In a global free market, superheroes end up standing for Truth, Justice and Xi Jinping Thought
I loved the original and the Ezio titles, found the American Revolution one ran a little too much on rails (here you ride with Paul Revere, and here’s an unskippable ghost-train ride of a sequence where you have to shoot some goons; meh), and found the Victorian London one a bit dull. I haven’t yet played Black Flag, but may do so next, given that people rate it, though am not excited by any more recent ones.
Half of the actors playing Russian/eastern European villains are German or Swedish or something, and another quarter are British/American/Australian/Irish actors with varying quality of dialect coaching.
Unless they choose a life of crime, in which case, video evidence against them is inadmissible.
The worthwhile Assassin’s Creed games can be bought for a few bucks for the PS3/Xbox 360. Everything after Ezio is just an inessential sequel.
Images that are adopted as Unicode glyphs (including emoji) have to be in the public domain, i.e. not copyrighted or trademarked. When they were assembling the Unicode codepage for characters from vintage computer character sets, they left out the Atari ST Dobbshead character because the intellectual property status of the piece of vintage advertising clip-art it was derived from was unclear. Presumably someone (Prince’s estate and/or Warner Music, I’d guess) owns the copyright and/or has a trademark claim on the Prince symbol
Replace the carrot with a cucumber, as they perceive those as dangerous snakes
The village on Lunt near Liverpool considered changing its name to “Launt”, because vandals kept adding a top stroke to the L in signs.
You can instantly get whatever you want, only it’s made from 100% technical debt