That there is no perfect defense. There is no protection. Being alive means being exposed; it’s the nature of life to be hazardous—it’s the stuff of living.
They likely prefer a hands off approach to marketplace content and that won’t really work with a smartphone app store (even with a gaming only focus).
I wouldn’t say Android 4, but it does have a really strange and distracting style.
Seems like change for the sake of change (or someone looking for a list of achievements for a promotion).
…the new company — named “/dev/agents” — will revisit the leaders’ “Android roots.”
The company is working on a cloud-based “next-gen operating system for AI agents” intended “for trusted agents to work with users across all of their devices,”
These guys had enough “edge” to give Carl Pei and his Nothing venture a run for their money.
It remains to be seen if this anything more than a fishing expedition to cash on some VC/investor money.
The plot thickens. There is more drama in electronics hardware than a 90s-era Latin American soap opera.
Anyone remember their previous foray into tablets with the Nexus series? Or the one before with Android Honeycomb and the Motorola Xoom?
They just can’t get a consistent strategy going.
The OEM’s Android variant is defining element with respect to bloatware. Qualcomm as such does not add bloatware (at least I haven’t encountered any or heard about this).
Having multiple DND profile would be very helpful.
At last a new Android feature that I somewhat excited for. I honestly stop following Android updates around 9/10.
The 6P was a really nice phone.
You don’t need to use SAF if your app is not distributed via Google Play? This is news for me.
Going to pile on, I have a Samsung A73 and videos are fine.
Do you use some sort of custom settings?
The 3 year security update schedule is an issue. I agree. The price does soften this issue somewhat though.
Thank you for the offer and kind words. I use a A73 these days. To be honest, the quality is good enough for my needs. I do notice a difference with friend’s pictures. Don’t really need a GCam mod at this point.
I used to use Gcam mods, but I stopped because there were too many issues with making sure they worked correctly.
I think in 2-3 years the difference in camera quality between mid-range devices and flagships will be small enough that it won’t matter for most people.
I’ve been a mid-range phone user since around 2018 or so. Don’t really see any reason to get flagships.
The one area where mid-range devices do lag the flagships is camera quality.
But they have the benefit of Chinese state support and a massive captive market (with revanchist, imperialist tendencies).
Oppo also says that behind-the-scenes improvements speed up app installation by 26% while app responsiveness should be around 18% better.
18% increase in responsiveness sounds very high. And how was responsiveness even measured?
I would argue the best option would be Exynos was roughly competitive with Snapdragon.
Thank you!
Thus is funny.