Exactly, great quality and small file sizes. Perfect to reduce web bloat, or loading times when using things like FoundryVTT
Exactly, great quality and small file sizes. Perfect to reduce web bloat, or loading times when using things like FoundryVTT
Yeah without more context it just seemed they were renaming the setting as part of a larger diff
What am I looking at?
Gen Z are like 20-30 years old by now
Uhm yeah? In Europe it’s pretty common to just have one bathroom and just… Wait for the other person to be done.
We’ll get something like language servers but for AI eventually.
Assuming they would use the volume perfectly is a pretty big assumption, it’s likely you wouldn’t even get a tenth of that.
And wounded or mailed many more! Not to mention making large parts of the strip uninhabited and leaving hundreds of thousands without homes.
We stopped paying per SMS years and years ago in Sweden.
Would it kill the author of the article to actually include the cheat code?
I’m half Arab and that guy is definitely racist, not funny. And as far as I know only white people say Latinx, they still prefer Latino.
Privacy is also easy with a local LLM. Performance and battery not so much.
The missing features are very basic things, like showing stops on a map or which location within the stop the bus stops at.
Being a nerd is fun.
Vaultwarden Jellyfin Sonarr Radarr Jacket
You’re looking for StrictYaml
Check out /r/localllama. Preferably you need a Nvidia you with >= 24 GB VRAM but it also works with a cpu and loads of normal RAM, if you can wait a minute or two for a lengthy answer. Loads of models to choose from, many with no censorship at all. Won’t be as good as chatgptv4, but many are close to gpt3.
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