So you pay for piracy
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So you pay for piracy
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After uTorrent was brought by BitTorrent Inc, they started releasing new shady versions, first added ads then released uTorrent bundle with crypto mining software without user consent
Multiple home users, hardware transcoding, media downloads on mobile…
I use Plex BTW , but lurking Jellyfin for some time, just not so easy to setup or comparability for my shared users.
You can find Linux software on rutracker
I use Davx⁵ for Webdav/NextCloud calendars sync, and Fossify Callendar
Maybe not what you looking for, but must Foss calendars are based on AOSP calendar, with same look and features
Had the sane issue on Firerox+uBlock the laptop, but on phone is working (Kiwi+uBlock).
Try with other browser, with or without adblocker
Just because it’s easy to join doesn’t make it semi-private.
Public tracker all content is available publicly no registration required.
Semi-private content is available publicly but registration may be required or optional (ex: Demonoid), torrents maybe set as private.
Private the content isn’t available publicly, registration is required. Torrents are set as private (open trackers, no DHT)
If you look at Prowlarr indexers you can see what is public, semi-public or private. All private require registration, where public or semi-public not so.
TorrentLeech is semi-private!?
What’s a private tracker then?
YTS have a lot of documentaries, it’s my go to for new documentaries
I was looking for a ed2k client the other day, maybe i 'll try this.
Yes, if you’re using a system package check the root of your drive (/mnt/sdb/.Trash-1000
), if it’s docker (e.g.
-v /path/to/downloads:/downloads
) should be /path/to/downloads:/downloads/.Trash-$PID
Sonarr will still pick the release and download GBs of malware, and if you don’t notice your download directly is filled with GBs of fake torrents
Is not regex
*.exe: filter ‘.exe’ file extension.
readme.txt: filter exact file name.
?.txt: filter ‘a.txt’, ‘b.txt’ but not ‘aa.txt’.
readme[0-9].txt: filter ‘readme1.txt’, ‘readme2.txt’ but not ‘readme10.txt’
Not these ones, some could have more than 1GB, look at the virustotal link, the file had 422MB.
Also Sonarr/Radarr filter torrents by size
Here some examples
Those where posted on 1337x (and removed) and probably other sites, Sonarr can pick those based on release name and torrent size
PS: had to rename the fine from .lnk
to .com
so virustotal could accept
On many distros will open with WINE by default, not a big deal, you can just delete ~/.wine
. If it does anything
So KDE Connect for Windows
Me too, but don’t want to download GBs of malware and bandwidth
Don’t need to support every client, if the client supports folder monitor you can use blackhole