Embrace blinky demonid icon thought
Embrace blinky demonid icon thought
I’m a millennial
Regardless of whether or not this is true, memes from an older generation saying they’re better than the younger generation are ALWAYS cringe
the joke is no one making memes about the olympics watches them
who’s laughing?
Light beer is good for if maybe I don’t want to get trashed from one beer or rationalize enjoying it warm because you nurse it for 90 minutes
You’re literally a fucking nazi telling us to support a genocide. Go fuck yourself, you literal fucking nazi.
Slice the top into another third for rent
First they came for the communists*
I haven’t played overwatch in long enough to be bewildered by this being an announcement
I don’t trust saving my CC numbers anywhere. And considering how many times retailers have been hacked and had that kind of information stolen I wish it were law that no one could save them.
I’m playing cave story for the first time and one thing led to another and I’m doing ‘best ending’ on hard mode. This week the goal is to beat core.
I enjoy interpreting this as he’s signing up to do another one of those movies so he can afford the game
Add this to the list of things you’re too stupid to understand
follow your leader
Chew shit from my ass zionist
This dumb motherfucker keeps using the word ‘projecting’ whenever someone calls them on imagining what Jewish Israelis think
Do you think they’re smart enough to recognize the irony of that before it’s explicitly spelled out to them? I say no. They’re dumb as shit. Like most fascists.
Calling out antisemitic propaganda when I see it does neither equal taking sides in the conflict nor does it equal supporting illegal settlements of racist neo-nazi expansionist assholes who murder Palestinian olive farmers.
Fucking idiot here thinks the west bank is the first time Zionists did an ethnic cleansing
You should really stop projecting so much, communication becomes impossible like this.
Fucking good. Shut the fuck up.
The fact that somebody has a different opinion than you does not mean neither.
This is how complete fucking idiots who never leave their mind palace cope with being told they’re wrong about something
It’s also how fascists erase all content and context from a disagreement and try to whine about civility.
I just let my torrent client become an unholy mess and do my organization with my file system. I have a ‘new stuff’ folder everything gets dumped to by default and/or I redirect the location to wherever it’ll eventually be organized