Well la-dee-dah! Look at Mr. “I think humans will still exist in 1000 years” over here. Let’s be real, we’re on track to extinct ourselves in the next 200 years if we don’t make some very difficult and dramatic changes to our behavior.
Well la-dee-dah! Look at Mr. “I think humans will still exist in 1000 years” over here. Let’s be real, we’re on track to extinct ourselves in the next 200 years if we don’t make some very difficult and dramatic changes to our behavior.
Wow, nice EuroRacism.
OK, yes, you are correct and I had not looked at the comparison study. Very cool! Ty.
Cats, even domesticated species, are still obligate carnivores, as in they will die of malnutrition eventually if they are put on a non-meat diet.
They 100% need to eat meat to survive. Vegan cat food will kill them slowly as they can’t properly process the proteins in plants.
Cats are carnivores.
While I would normally agree loudly with you because he is human trash and the show sucked, it’s kinda the perfect level of trash and suck for this meme.
If they do, it’s pretty funny since .ml has been the only instance I’ve had comments removed from and they were a small joke and asking a legitimate question.
Ah yes, those incredibly fair and balanced mods in worldnews@lemmy.ml, who remove my small joke comment but let the tankies brigade the comment section with propaganda. Yeah, they’re doing a great job.
My money is that OP is from Russia. That government wants as much division and dessent as they can get, and they have a professional cyber ops organization.
It’s in the base game warbond so everyone can easily get it. 🙂
Helldivers 2 wins. You get to drop orbital strikes, launch ICBM nukes, call in cluster munitions, etc.
People made such a stink about the minor nerfs to Breaker and Railgun and didn’t even try out the buffed items like the flamethrower, which now melts chargers.
I know, I’m being generous with that 200.