What OS is the Pi running? Libreelec? Something else?
It’s one thing to expose a single port that’s designed to be exposed to the Internet to allow external access to items you don’t care if the entire internet sees (Jellyfin).
Ots other thing when you expose a single port to allow access to items you absolutely do care if the entire internet sees (Immich).
Or the magnets inside; SCSI magnets are killer strong.
Really, just don’t buy SCSI at this point.
Not having a dedicated app on the LG TV is not an option.
There’s your first problem.
Seconded on Purelymail.
Not for you.
I wish they’d build this sync functionality into the software directly.
Blocked on .world.
It’s really time to switch.
Just like the “s” in IoT stands for “security”
What’s the going rate for half broken vs very broken?
Might be time to shake and bake.
Same as it ever was.
Then we’re all screwed thanks to consolidation.
Thankfully the other two haven’t fallen as hard as Seagate has.
By the time you get the alert and act on it, it’s too late.
Don’t expose these things to the open internet; VPN back into your network and access them.
Does OSMC have a multi in Bluetooth pairing system?