What’s the whole weeping and gnashing of teeth thing, is that something different to hell?
What’s the whole weeping and gnashing of teeth thing, is that something different to hell?
I’m not a biblical scholar but my understanding was there was biblical basis for it. Especially mentioned by Jesus as he was an apocalyptic preacher. Something like this sounds like it fits the bill pretty well:
The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Like I said though I’m not a biblical scholar. Although I’m not sure simply being denied an infinite reward is that much better really. It’s still effectively an infinite punishment for something you have no control over.
I agree he said a lot of cool stuff for sure but ultimately he was an apocalyptic preacher. I think it’s immoral to tell people they need to accept your God or you’ll go to hell, personally, so that’s one not cool thing.
“Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.”
Pretty messed up given that belief is not something you can even really choose.
And good luck to you, mate. Pushing back against maga is a worthwhile goal I just don’t think pissing off everyone at your workplace or people who engage with you is the best way to go.
Well sure, unless you want to pretend you’re achieving anything other than making yourself feel smarter by throwing around gotchas and completely failing to engage in any meaningful discussion. If you want to call it something else that’s ok but it seems based on your replies all you’re interested in doing is preaching to yourself to reinforce your own ideas.
Sorry people aren’t receptive to your mental jerk off sessions at work then I guess.
This whole manner of engaging in a discussion is just really annoying and most people probably won’t find it worth their time to engage with you, let alone people who just want to do their jobs. Maybe spend some time learning about how to engage with people productively or you’ll be in for a bad time whenever you step outside your echo chamber.
Maybe try shutting up about politics? Work isn’t really the forum for that generally although it can depend on your relationship with your colleagues. If you want to talk politics try doing it with other people you have a closer relationship with, nobody owes you a forum for political discussion.
Only a sith deals in absolute paths.
I didn’t realise until I read that comment, your comment and the other comment about slash direction.
We used teams instead of slack at a place I used to work because it’s free. You know, kind of like how my coffee is free when I go to the window to collect it.
Light a fire inside a big snowman? I don’t have igloo what you’re talking about.
Your reality exists only in your own mind. But things can exist outside of your reality and there could be things in your reality that don’t exist.
I dunno, job interviews I guess.
Fair enough. My life would be quite a bit worse without it personally. Nobody is forcing you to have one though, if it’s genuinely not doing it for you you can always get a dumb phone.
Oh yeah I remember when that definitely happened
Preferably something geographically separated from the server as well in case of some kind of physically destructive event like a fire.
I don’t think so but you can definitely determine which communities someone has commented on by where they comment.
Now look, there’s the moon and mars but if you want to go near the middle of the Milky Way that’s a whole different kind of operation my friend.
What came first, the maggot, the fly, the carcass or the cockatrice?