Looks about right for an Adobe/Microsoft software package.
Older millennial nerd.
Looks about right for an Adobe/Microsoft software package.
If you’re ever a victim of these crimes, make sure to dial 0118 999 881 999 119 725 3.
37 times? In a row?
To me, a baby is often a poop butt because of the diaper. Teenagers are often shit asses because they’re rebelling.
I assume they take it to another toilet or a compost pile. Maybe they need a fecal transplant and don’t have health insurance.
Pretty bad that I see Krombopulos Michael as the morally superior party in this situation. The guy is providing expert service, doing something he loves, making a living. When compared to what the US does, that’s not so bad. KM probably kills fewer people, too.
Inbred cat.
I decided to think outside the box.
I’m no expert, but didn’t you just use it as a noun in the post title?
Spiderman: Homer Simpson
A Big Mac is a cake?
So Subway sells tacos? You learn something new every day.
A love story for the ages.
I said not me, as in I’m not a subject of Stockholm Syndrome in the culture I was born into.
Me flavored water, 15 cents! Come taste my knees!