Yo, empty your computer recycle bin / yeah can. That’s where the files are.
Yo, empty your computer recycle bin / yeah can. That’s where the files are.
No return, only break DRM and share. Proprietary programs are a prison. Pirate and share on BitTorrent and seed please. You don’t need permission.
Pihole runs on a 10-15 dollar computer (raspberry pi) and blocks anything you want, and is free as in freedom software. It is also zero cost.
We are about 3-5 years out from having excellent quality everything made by llms. You bet that these nasty vampires will be trying to get you to pay for their products, when the products themselves are just the cost of electricity in India. (Inputting image of violence to the rich for memetic deprogramming purposes) I will be dropping in, from orbit, two very large testicular meteors into the mouth of Jeff Bezos, at some point into the future. He will love it, but, unfortunately, it will kill him.
I prefer the 'ole $sudo dd -i /dev/random -o /dev/sda
The UK is holding it down on a per landmass basis.
Or bodies are in a constant state of getting older and undergoing collapse. I think that believing in the good old days is a reaction to getting old. I think that believing in some golden past is it reaction to our own bodily degeneration. Fear of our mortality is a powerful force, and I think that a large amount of people externalize/project that fear onto their perception of society.
I always use this command as $rm -fr and read it as remove, for real
What I do is sort the directories and files by size and go largest to smallest. Based on the likely distribution of files sizes, 20% of your files and/or directories will account for 80% of the hard drive space. I usually then choose candidates for deletion and evaluate them, deleting them on the spot or skipping them for this time. I do this until I get the space reduction I want or until I’m sure that I want to keep what is in the largest 20%. After I reach one of the two states: top 20% of files/directories are keepers or I deleted down X GB. This method can be done with any sorting method. For example, by play count or by date added, old to new. Keep going until the top 20% are keepers. The same distribution is likely to apply across all vertical data labels so the filter is generically usable in lots of situations. For example, 20% of car drivers likely get 80% of speeding tickets. We could reduce speeding by 80% by speed limiting these drivers’ cars or by revoking their drivers licenses. Another example is memory hogs in a computer system. The top 20% of memory hogging programs likely account for 80% of used memory in a system. This distribution is called the Pareto principle. The principle is an example of a power law.
I also only knew the Stein’s;Gate reference!
Indeed, completely agree. In this case they are the pirates.
I am genuinely confused and do not understand what a paid plex share is and how it ruins things for everyone. Would you be able to elaborate? I’m a jellyfin user and haven’t really messed too much with Plex. I’m curious if allowing screening of your personal collection to strangers on the internet is considered piracy?
I’m no fan of megacorps, and I definitely know that they are breaking the law. However, copyright laws should change so that any schmuck can use any text to train any AI. I’m all for punishing mega corporations and I understand that they play by their own set of rules (that is unfair), but piracy is piracy even when mega corporations do it and I believe that piracy is the moral choice. Meta then choosing to make their model not fully open I definitely have a problem with and that does not meet my bar for okay, but I strongly believe that all information for all people or entities should be free to transfer without restriction.
Thank you for the awesomeness that is the script. If I might ask a question: why is the user agent Windows 10 if this is a bash script? I’m genuinely curious and I don’t know why.I imagine this might be WSL. You did mention it was an old script so maybe it had something to do with that?
Heya, if you need pico 8, you might like to try https://tic80.com/ . Tic-80 is a Foss pico-8 like software that has a basic and has some pico to tic conversion scripts that can convert between the formats. Hope this helps!
Yt-dlp can use user authentication to pull videos as well. The flags are -u (username) and -p (password) . Example: yt-dlp -u username -p password url-goes-here . Hope this helps. The more we can rely on programs that we run on our own machines, the better. Even better if it’s free software.
I installed in on my machine from the software package manager. It doesn’t have the feature to bind to a specific device (this is a must have for me so I can use my VPN without IP address leakage). I read a horror story on hacker news about a person getting fragmented CSAM on their hard drive by running an exit node (running an exit node is trivially easy with the program). Noped out after not being able to bind to tun0. I went to their website, mostly academics polishing research papers from my point of view. Sketchy looking ui, uninstalled.
“The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.” - William Gibson, Neuromancer
Gibson describes the static as metallic, silvery gray in an interview.
“The sky was the perfect untroubled blue of a television screen, tuned to a dead channel.” - Neil Gaiman, Neverwhere
I remember the white static myself.