The only externally accessible service is my wireguard vpn. For anything else, if you are not on my lan or VPN back into my lan, it’s not accessible.
The only externally accessible service is my wireguard vpn. For anything else, if you are not on my lan or VPN back into my lan, it’s not accessible.
My personal lists:
Adguard Home Channels WireGuard for remote access (this is the only open firewall port) Firefly-iii (for personal accounting) Nextcloud for files,calendar,and contacts
Meh. I’ve eaten worse. Do I at least get soy sauce or spicy pepper sauce for flavor
Will our new overloads control all of our thoughts then, or will I still have to decide what to cook every night for supper?
It eventually gives you the firmness of toast without the toaster
I don’t put much stuff up at the top that has small detail or need to look at alot
It’s an adjustable sit/stand desk. Its in sitting position in this picture
I present you with my masterpiece
Sorry, haven’t logged on in a bit. I use OPNSense on an old PC for my firewall with the wireguard packet installed.
Then use the wireguard client on my familys phones/laptops that is set to auto connect when NOT on my home wifi. That way media payback, adguard-home dns and everything acts as seamless as possible even when away while still keeping all ports blocked.