I think association counts if the sounds associated with it are consistently repulsive. For example, the sound of flies swarming around a pile of crap.
I think association counts if the sounds associated with it are consistently repulsive. For example, the sound of flies swarming around a pile of crap.
What happens when the government figures out who is in possession of the death note and arrests them/confiscates the death note? I don’t know what’s scarier, some rogue nobody with the death note or the United States Government.
“I just want to live in a society that uses some of the value its working class generates to improve the lives of the general population in any meaningful way.”
It’s cold outside, there’s no kind of atmosphere!
Just when I think we’ve exhausted every good variation of this acorn meme, another one shows up on my feed and makes me chuckle
The crazy thing is that sometimes this just works…
What about their “eaten and digested” form?