What’s this from?
What’s this from?
They’ve got plenty, so if they’re not just handing it over they must want Trump to win 😂
None, for our holy Savior Daniel M’kay and grapheneOS have saved my soul. For even mentioning magisk I clearly deserve a public flogging, maybe even an execution. Obviously. RoOt iS iNsEcUrE
There’s a ton of advantages, but some very real disadvantages as well. No lsposed and incompatibility with certain magisk modules are probably the biggest for me personally.
Classic line from John Lennon’s hit song 😂
From what I’ve heard it’s impossible to go from one lossy format to another without losing quality.
Internal only sadly iirc
Damn, that surprises and saddens me. I’ve only ever read one of his books, Diamond Age/A young lady’s illustrated primer, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and also thought there were some great critiques of the upper class
Sir this is a Wendy’s, you have to go to Carl’s Jr for that