My biggest issue is I work in IT and by the time I’m done for the day I absolutely don’t want to screw with it. I just wanna fire up and go. It seems that I might need to do some research, as things have progressed further than I’d realized.
Nope, I’m almost exclusively single player at this point. How’s the performance and everything? Is there any drop off?
This is the final hurdle keeping me on windows, a seamless gaming experience. If SteamOS can hammer everything out, there’s zero reason to stay.
You should use those 2 days to maybe see a doctor… rectal cancer is no joke.
The cows, chickens, horses, donkeys, sheep, goats, llama, alpaca, and your crazy uncle Earl have all fled the barn
Quickly rushes over to slam the barn door
Phew…just in time.
How does it compare to Firefox feature-wise?
Great news
Yeah, it’s been a long time since I’ve looked at and kind of RAID/Storage/data preservation stuff… like 256GB spinning platters were the “hot new thing” last time I did.
I’m starting from scratch…in more ways than one lol
Very cool, this is actually the sort of thing I was interested in. I’m looking at building a fairly heavy NAS box before long and I’d love to not have to deal with the expense of a full raid setup.
For stuff like shows/movies, how do they perform after recovery?
Yeah, that’s generally my consensus as well. Just curious if someone had a better way that maybe I didn’t know about.
I’ve never been a big fan of RAID for this reason… but I’ve also never had enough mission critical data that I couldn’t just store hard copy backups.
That being said… let me ask you this:
Is there a better way than RAID for data preservation/redundancy?
Awesome, thanks for the info. I’m not planning on building tomorrow or anything. I never adopt the first iteration of anything, it’s gotta pass a sniff test first.
If a dude was building a pure “enthusiast” grade gaming pc… would this be the “top of the line” processor? I know Intel has had some serious issues recently, but I’ve not taken the time to read and get up to speed just yet. I’m just curious who wound up at the top of that dog pile… strictly from a gaming perspective.
No, we can’t get gigabit fiber everywhere. No, I don’t care if your program needs it. Yes, the laws of physics are laws for a reason. Write more robust code.
I’ve skimmed the notes, is this one one that rips and decodes the download files or finds copies based on Metadata?
I see a few bits of information about it happening at the presidential election level, but I’m not finding anything at the state and local level. Can you provide some sources on that?
It doesn’t take a whole lot of money to run for city council, local officials, sherif, alderman. It takes a bit, but not millions to run for state government positions. Are you saying the federal government is quashing local and state third parties? That is where you make your sweeping electoral reforms for federal elections. Why don’t we ever hear about them making moves in those races? Where are they when I go to vote for my city council? My county commissioners? Are you telling me the federal government is coming down and removing them from ballots?
That’s a pretty serious accusation, and I’d love to see some sources on that, because I’m with you all the way if that’s the case.
But when you’ve got someone who was wined and dined by an impotent dictator, and a half dozen of his cronies and yes men coming in and trying to split the vote for the best chance of preventing a take over by the impotent dictator’s choice clown… and then suddenly you’ve got people toting her banner when she’s been largely silent the past 3.5 years… it kind of makes you wonder, or it should… assuming you’ve got more than 3 braincells reenacting the DVD screen saver.
If third parties aren’t mathematically impossible, where are all members of third party during midterms? Local elections? The work it takes to make real lasting change is done down ballot, where are they at those times? Why do they only creep up during presidential races? The above analogy may not be perfect, but it’s pretty damned close… but we could also compare third party to all the lazy animals in the story of the little red hen…
I still say it this way in my head…