Also descended from Egyptian. Forgot to add them though. They’re the link between Egyptian and Greek. and Egyptian and Aramaic
Also descended from Egyptian. Forgot to add them though. They’re the link between Egyptian and Greek. and Egyptian and Aramaic
the root of all modern languages
the whole universe used to speak it
P.S: the closest thing to that is Egyptian, but not the language, the Alphabet (the Symbols, not a literal alphabet). Tons of alphabets are descended from Egyptian, including, but not limited to: Greek (and by Proxy Latin, Cyrillic, Georgian, Armenian, Armenian and Armenian (I just noticed this, I’m leaving it in because it’s funny)), Arabic (and by proxy- I won’t list all that), Hebrew, and Aramaic (and by proxy all Indian languages but one, as well as Tibetan, Phags-pa mongol (and by proxy exactly 5 letters of Hangul), Thai, Lao, Sundanese, and Javanese). There’s a lot of dead languages that used scripts derived from Egyptian too but I didn’t mention them because I’d be here all day listing stuff like Sogdian or Norse Runes.
This isn’t me being misogynistic but had his teammate done better they’d have won gold, she brought the score down, he actually shot better than both of the winners.
This is not to say she wasn’t qualified for this, in fact I believe her previous track record is better than his
This happened to me for a Pro palestine comment.
Today they accidentally unbanned me because they can’t even run their platform properly.
My account has an “suspension appeal rejected” message and is still running, fucking hell
They didn’t even say anything, the account Is just suddenly not banned anymore
I’m pretty sure these alphabets cover almost the entire globe