They aren’t both fully open, but in the day time I breathe normally through both. I don’t get the OP scenario any more but I used to, it’s a different feeling to the normal cycle in my experience.
They aren’t both fully open, but in the day time I breathe normally through both. I don’t get the OP scenario any more but I used to, it’s a different feeling to the normal cycle in my experience.
I have a love/hate relationship with mine. It does help with allergies and the constant runny nose that I had… But it’s genuinely an awful experience lol. I feel like I’m gonna vomit every time.
If I’m asking directions I’m probably not somewhere where I have a good sense of what’s north based on local knowledge. Yeah, I can probably find North here in my home town… But I wouldn’t know any of that about New York.
100%, all I really want is something I can look at and perhaps sensibly chuckle at when I have a few minutes… Not a pasasitic brain worm that really wants me to pay attention to it.
Series one maybe, two was a bit of a mess imo. I didn’t even understand what the stakes were until everything started turning into noodles.
Many copyright holders believe that if they’re able to communicate with pirates, a proportion will change their behavior.
Yes, they will probably be more careful next time
100 seconds to a minute, 96 minutes to an hour, 9 hours in a day?? Metric with rounding.
C&H is to sociology & psychology what XKCD is to science & technology.
I would say considering homo sapiens have been around for ~250,000 years we need a lot of decimal places… if you want to consider prior homo species that’s 2.8 million years and honestly you might as well call it 100%.
That’s exactly the kind of niche goods that it makes sense to stock primarily in warehouses and ship out by post. Most people don’t even know what a KVM switch is lol, I didn’t when I first read this and I own one!
I absolutely agree that local shops closing is a bad thing, but for a lot of niche goods companies like Amazon are a good thing. Delivery by one vehicle is far more efficient than everyone driving their own vehicle to whatever niche shop has your stuff. Don’t get me wrong, Amazon is 100% a big evil corporation with huge problems… but the fact that they deliver goods to your house is not the problem lol. Doubly so since you can designate a day for them to deliver and just be in on that day!
I am horrified by the number of people who will leave animal excrement just sitting in their damn house for many hours. Makes me wonder about those times when I’ve been to someone’s house that has that je ne sais quoi cat scent lingering in the air.
Yeah you don’t find Jesus smashing up moneylenders shops in general… just that one time when they were in a temple.
Science fiction presents a vision of the future - it is, I think, an effective mirror for the collective thoughts and beliefs about what is to come. For much of the 20th century people were strongly optimistic about the future - postwar and into the tech boom in the 80s and 90s it seemed like everything was only going to get better.
Nowadays though… we don’t have that optimism anymore. We have climate change rapidly escalating, corporation’s sucking us dry, states doing fuck all about it. This is reflected in those grim police robots and dark themes, just as the shiny space ships and friendly aliens of the past reflected the optimism of the time.
N.b. I do agree with the other commenter who said audience expectations of “realism” play a role - but I also think audiences have a pretty warped idea of what is realistic.
I can’t imagine a scenario when you need to be able to do BOTH positive and negative numbers at the same time 😂
It’s less about reacting and more about anticipating - learn the timing rather than trying to wait for a moment and then react.
In gendered languages the “gender” of things other than people doesn’t really relate to human gender at all. It’s just a grammatical construct.
Well then the average is just 1 isn’t it. It doesn’t make any sense to integer-ise your inputs but leave your output rounded.