Source: Jim Farley
Here’s a little FYI for ya. Tropic Thunder is based on my experiences in Vietnam.
Source: Jim Farley
Here’s a little FYI for ya. Tropic Thunder is based on my experiences in Vietnam.
Helluva presumption to just pull out of your ass about someone whose only relation to this matter is family name.
Don’t be afraid to show the world that not all southerners are right wing. I am prideful of my southern heritage while at the same time embracing others and celebrating theirs. I’ll never be ashamed of my drawl/accent and if other people choose to look down on me, well, that sounds like their loss.
Imagine if you rounded up all the hateful, power hungry, bigoted misanthropes from the Warez forums of old and combined them into one. That’s Empress.
Imagine the absolute reckoning if someone managed to touch her with a blade of grass. The singularity would reverse the big bang.
Probably wasn’t even IT but ‘roadies’ based on those cables