I’ve been running Fedora for over a year now with an Nvidia 4090 RTX with no major problems. I can think of one game (Path of Exile 2) where I needed to make a minor configuration tweak to get it working.
I’ve been running Fedora for over a year now with an Nvidia 4090 RTX with no major problems. I can think of one game (Path of Exile 2) where I needed to make a minor configuration tweak to get it working.
Ahh, my apologies. I thought you were referring to the Nvidia drivers being proprietary in general, not just the lack of 3D settings in the control panel. I totally agree that those settings are not needed by mainstream users.
Yes, we know, but it’s still part of “Linux being ready for mainstream gaming”. If the average person (the mainstream) has to worry about stuff like that, then it isn’t ready for the mainstream.
Op’s criteria wasn’t “is it a good product?”, it was “is it better than Plex?”. Stop taking valid criticism as if it were an attack. If we want software to improve we have to be honest about its shortcomings.
I used to do this too. Until last year.
I was at home, playing with my cat Leo, when in a span of 30 seconds, he went from being perfectly fine, to not being able to move his back legs, dragging himself along the ground, and yowling in pain. I needed to get him to the emergency vet quickly. The car in front of me pulled this, driving slow, blocking the road, not letting me get around him. Unfortunately Leo didn’t make it, and that driver’s behavior played a huge part in the lasting personal trauma I’m still dealing with.
The thing is, you don’t know why they are driving the way they are. Maybe they are an ass hole, but maybe they have a medical emergency. It isn’t your job to enforce the traffic laws. I know I’ll never do it again though
That would be like when they sing for your birthday at a restaurant, but only a billion times worse.
It works for pretzels.
Depends, was this all her game, or did she find my existing game and insert herself into it?
Right, that’s why I said “suggests” instead of “proves”.
If deck sales actually dropped, it would seem to suggest otherwise.
I assume these memes are related to tiktok somehow? Is there more to it than that, or am I just no longer “hip” enough to understand today’s humor?
This is how you end up with an excel sheet running the entire company.
They would have a hell of a time trying to say they want to control API usage after letting everyone and their mother use it free and unrestricted for decades. But I wouldn’t put it past them to try.
Those numbers are really setting off my “take the money and run” scam radar.
I think they are criticizing the headline more than Linux its self.
Pointers just point to memory addresses, and because pointers are stored in memory addresses, it just kind of naturally falls out that way.
Because most of us don’t want to.