I’m running popOS! With an geForce 3080 and so far it seems to be working. Ymmv
I’m running popOS! With an geForce 3080 and so far it seems to be working. Ymmv
At first I thought you meant id as in username and couldn’t figure out the correlation, then I realized you meant id as in subconscious and it made way more sense.
I’m not sure about that, it looks like the kind of game that generates stars, planets, factions, et al. And then simulates them doing things; so as the player, you get to enjoy an interesting new universe with every playthrough and get to have fun influencing the various systems.
That’s a fair point, linux has gotten a lot better with stuff ‘just working’ but when it doesn’t, it requires some research and tinkering.
I was figuring something out the other day and it dawned on me that the reason I’ve become so enamored with linux is that it’s a hit of nostalgia from getting things working in the 90s. (Also I’m a nerd and I think the way computers work is fascinating lol)
Heck yes, arcanum is one of my favorite RPGs.
I remember I basically stopped leveling up once I got the teleport spell because all my XP was coming from random travel encounters.
Oh man i love Arx Fatalis, have you seen Monomyth? It’s basically a love letter to Arx
I’m at work so I can’t really watch a video about this…but I don’t think I’ve had a problem running any recent game at all. The only one that comes to mind was the beta for monster hunter wilds, and I think that was sort of it’s own thing because the game was a mess for windows users too.
Also the new Derail Valley update is awesome and they’re working with valve to make it work even better on the steam deck.
I think it’s advertising for a custom domain service kinda like geocities or angelfire used to be. It’s also apparently free with the caveat that they will constantly try to upsell you on packages, and it will eventually not be free.
They did Microsoft in the 90s and nothing really changed
Wait, the three mile island thing wasn’t a joke?
While that can be true, it’s also not terribly difficult to farm for things and sell them for plat to other players.
Warframe market is great
Grind and premium currency aside, the story is fantastic and there is a new major story/content update coming out in a few months.
For a 14 year old game, the devs and community are still very much active
Even Google maps does this! I accidentally drove 45 minutes out of the way because I clicked the first result because of course that should be the closest store. Google can fuck right off with these sponsored results
Helldivers 2 (like a million other people)
I’ve been really enjoying Pacific Drive, and I just found a no-Bigfoot decal and white paint which let’s me live out my fantasy of owning a bootleg ecto-1
Finally, I really wanted to like Nightingale but I just find the whole game boring and frustrating in equal measure
Last time I had one of those, it basically tasted like a pastry. By far the worst flavor of lunchable