we both know i wouldn’t be in charge of correcting typos.
You would increase the cost/complexity of every appliance.
It’s easier to just have the solar inverter and battery system independent of the equipment. It’s relatively inexpensive to retrofit a home for an auxiliary power source. The complexity is when you tie into the grid.
Some appliances are solar ready. Some hvac systems and pool systems accept direct solar panel connections.
If i weee i charge, i would require all homes to be able to support solar panels and a battery system. The cost to do so at time of construction is insignificant.
Explain high rise apartments/condos.
NYE: Bill Nye’s NYE Special Live from NY NY
NYE: Bill Nye’s NYE Special
Congrats on having a low-effort life?
Doesn’t matter much, simmer and boil both have water at the same temp.
About an hour after it starts boiling.
The streams don’t cross though. It’s not physically connected.
I can get behind and inside this idea.
It’s to identify people that are an easy mark, and avoid people that are more observant.
Ha ha, the formatting alone is worth the upvote. Best of nominee right here.
ask any old-timer about polio, and why we don’t worry about it as much now.
I was rooting for them the whole way.
Im not having much luck getting top/bottom accepted at my job.
Many security products have no test option. One I’m using has a best practice of a 15 minute delay between test and prod and no automation to suspend besides relying on the vendor to pull the update it within 15 mins if it were to go full crowdstrike.
The point is that it could have. Or maybe some unknown 0-day gets used by someone out to cause chaos instead of collect random.
That guy sucks.
Next you’re going to tell me how the actors faces look is supposed to tell me how to feel.