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Tens of Taylor Swift fans claim to leave X
Before trump was president i always thought president of the US is kinda like being the king of the Netherlands. More like a symbol that has to decide on some things and talks to people. Learning that they can actually just do whatever they want and americans just shrug is kinda fucking insane and terrifying for all the sane people on this planet.
A gorilla just broke out and is ripping people’s dicks off, but people somehow blame the people who say that we shouldn’t cage gorillas in the first place.
Still sad that hitler died on a workplace accident?
People now have fond memories of twitter? Insane.
Since so many people played the original overwatch at it’s prime, it was a good way to see what people played and how. The dps queue was sometimes 30 to 40min, while as a healer you got into a game instantly. When Ana dropped, people just played ana and didn’t heal people, because she had a sniper rifle. When moira dropped, people just played her as a dps who could heal herself. Support is very niche already, making it more niche, and only a handful of people would even consider support.
I think the finals did a good job in giving the medium class a healing beam. It’s supper powerful on it’s own, and if your team dies, you can still whip out a very good if not the best gun.
You’ll just die all the time because hardly anyone would help you, and as a bonus you get yelled at by your team for not healing them. Sounds like fun.
Not really related to that stupid boomer post, but ho crazy is it that that ugly british lady won music star or popstar or whatever and everyone was like: oh my god this is insane, ugly people can do things? They are almost like real people.
I’m not gay but i still support gay people and dislike people who hate them.
People buy diet water, so i don’t think there is a limit to what people buy
I don’t even find the price too bad, i haven’t owned a console in over a decade, so i don’t really know. But paying to use their online service, and the lack of games is really off putting to me. And that aside, as far as i understand it, it was such a pain in the ass to get a ps5, that i don’t really understand why so many people bothered in the first place.
You can’t just buy a steam deck tho. I couldn’t get one if i wanted.
Can he? Most of the games are shit, and as soon as skate launched thps games felt incredibly outdated.
I was curious and checked, i need 91 gigs right now, and i’m pretty sure i can easily deal with 64 if i would just unload and delete all the junk that is sitting on my phone for no reason.
Yeah, towns where i live are literally translated to boytown and lame crap like that
Anyone remember the internet before trump. Good times, thanks again america
I mean, who is still gonna play this in 6 month?
You can buy adaptors to put bosh batteries in devalt tools.
I have never played fallout london and i 100% agree