I once went to a proctologist who had a “This too shall pass” plaque on his desk. I decided to trust him, there and then.
I once went to a proctologist who had a “This too shall pass” plaque on his desk. I decided to trust him, there and then.
I used to use Ubuntu up to 12.04. By the time the support ended, the new versions had the Unity desktop, I didn’t like it, so for a while I switched to Crunchbang (may it rest in peace), and now I’m using Mint Cinnamon. Some of my developers are using Ubuntu with Unity. Everyone is free to pick what suits them; I’m not one to judge them.
Middle manager in an IT company here. My job description is saying “no” to requests outside the official pipeline, in order to shield my team from outside interference and burnout. I need a manager to fight for me whenever I pick a fight with one of the VPs who think we need to drop everything and refocus on their pet project.
That’s how I was taught. Quarter past, half past, quarter to, and add to it the minutes. Then again, I was also taught to hide under my school desk in case of a nuclear attack. I think times may have changed slightly since then…
Last summer, I was in a water park, one of the few people still wearing a watch. A man asked me what time it was, and I replied “half past one and ten minutes”. To me, this was completely natural, and I didn’t even think about it. I’ll never forget his confused look. You could almost see slight movements under his hair as the wheels in his brain worked overtime to translate it into digital time…
Blue pill. I’d miss my wife and kids, and even if I were transported back in time, I doubt I’d do all the required steps to get to them again.
I don’t live in the US, so my views are probably biased by our anti-Trump media hype, so even though I agree with most of your points, I’d leave two open for discussion:
I was under the impression that Republicans are not looking for love from women, but their total subjugation. Women don’t need to love them (perhaps they can, only in Stockholm syndrome mode), but they have to obey. I don’t think incels will be disappointed.
I said this twice before, and I was always wrong, so take this with a huge boulder of sand. But I don’t think he’ll last four years (unless they do a Weekend at Bernies), so part of the 4 years will be with that weird cross-dresser, and I have absolutely no idea what to expect from him.