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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Oh it will be the year of the Windows 11 refresh, there’s no question of that. Untold millions of business PCs will be making the change as Windows 10 goes EoL.

    It’s a very different story in the home market. Frankly the only thing holding Windows Gaming in place is decades of increasing personal PC ownership but that ownership / use rate is now declining as normal people transition to using smartphones and tablets.

    In just a few short years, ten at most, gaming on Windows will be about as relevant as gaming on Mac. It may still be called “PC Gaming”, you can already see media trying to redefine gaming on SteamDeck and other handhelds as “PC Gaming”, but those games won’t be built around the Windows OS.

  • YouTube…that reminds of a conversation I had here on Lemmy a while back. The subject of right wing political content on YouTube came up and I had the same “I don’t encounter that” comment that I just made in regards to Mastadon.

    After a bit of back and forth I realized that I don’t engage with political content of any type on YT so the algorithm doesn’t push it at me. It seems that YT doesn’t do a good job of classifying political content as to its lean. So once you start engaging with political content the algorithm starts suggesting all kinds of it.

    It’s the same with social justice and racial issues. I don’t engage with that kind of content on YT or Mastadon, don’t see it my feeds, and it’s not being pushed at me by the algorithm.

    I don’t know if that explains it completely but there has to be some reason(s) why some of us don’t see this stuff while other people see it all the time.

  • That’s a great question and the answer can be found in the wikipedia entry for the .uk domain.

    In a nutshell the volunteer “Naming Committee” setup back in 1985 established a rule that entities needed to register into specific subdomains based on entity type such as .co, where the .co part stood for “Company”. They did this to make managing registrations easier and to provide an “at a glance” way to see what kind of website you were visiting (commercial, government, charity, etc). The “Naming Committee” was extremely strict about ensuring that domains were registered to a specific entity and in the correct subdomain.

    By the mid-90s the volunteer “Naming Committee” was entirely overwhelmed by the sheer volume of domains being registered so that volunteer group was replaced by Nominet UK. Nominet didn’t open the .uk TLD to registration until 2014 and by then the subdomain thing (.co.uk) was so embedded into the United Kingdom’s internet structure that it had become tradition and NOT using was confusing to many people.

    There’s more subdomains than just .co as well and both wikipedia articles I linked list them.

    tl;dr .uk absolutely exists in the UK, it’s just used differently than almost anywhere else in the world.