No, you absolutely do not want that.
Next time your in the theater, shine a torch on the seat, and then imagine it on your face.
No, you absolutely do not want that.
Next time your in the theater, shine a torch on the seat, and then imagine it on your face.
I’ve been pronouncing it N-gin-X, which is probably close enough once slurred together
Another tip that doesn’t seem to have been covered, clean the pads you are soldering to. A quick buff with some steel wool to get them nice and shiny. If you’ve touched it with your hands, the oils from your hands can make it hard to solder to the pads.
Also, get a hot-glue gun and glue the leads down, especially if your going to manipulate the leads. The pads will happily lift off the board and you’ll be screwed.
What is openwebzine? Can’t find any info on it.
256gb of ram seems well beyond standard self-hosting, what are you planning on running?!
I did create a fork and MR, and neither used your runner (sorry if that is what spooked you).
Develop local and push remote also let’s you sanitize what is public and what isnt. Keep your half-backed personal projects local, push the good stuff to github for job opportunities.
I think it was when you create a merge request back, that the original repo would then run the forked branch on the original runners.
From what I can tell, its now been much more locked down, so its better, but still worth being careful about.
More discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/github/comments/1eslk2d/forks_and_selfhosted_action_runners/
The other potential risk is that the github action author maliciously modifies their code in a later version, but that is solved with version pinning the actions.
I can’t find it right now, but there used to be a warning about not self-hosting runners for public repos. Anyone could fork your repo, and the fork would inherit your runners, and then they could change the pipeline to RCE on your runner.
Has that been fixed?
I went to a completely private gitlab instead, with mirroring up to github for anything that needed to be public.
Edit: seems to maybe not be an issue anymore, at the very least it doesn’t seem to affect that repo. Still, for anyone else, make sure forks and MRs can’t cause action to run automatically on your runner, because that would be very bad.
This is my personal opinion, but you should add :
Unless there is a really good reason, don’t rename your project. It only adds confusion, and users will get lost during the transition. It also makes them hesitant to try the new one - “What if they do it again and i get left behind”.
Pihole isnt pi specific either, it still kept the name.
Lab is not the right description, I have an assortment of eclectic tools.
Its been fine, unless there was something cheaper, would buy again.
Is this something that people have favourites?
I bought mine because it was cheap, and that all there is to say about it. I’ll dig out the brand and model, but they were completely unnotable.
Edit: Korad KD3005D
Adding batteries to appliances is nontrivial. Large batteries are a fire risk, which is why home batteries are usually outside on a fireproof wall.
If you put batteries in a dishwasher, they would need to be fireproofed.
It would be really nice if there was a way to easily daisy chain panels. By easy, I mean mount to the roof, plug into the end of the existing set of panels, no electrician required. Then if you got a new appliance you could just add the new panel to the old one and carry on.
But yeah, expecting the general public to add a solar panel every time they get a dishwasher is unrealistic.
If its a laptop, yes. I was only suggesting it in case someone else finds this post later and finds it a suitable solution, I dont think it’ll work for the OPs use case.
If you have a Mac of some kind, you can pair and output to multiple headphones:
Doesn’t help you with android of course, but if you dont find a solution that might be worth looking at.
"I hear you, and I get what your saying. If I understand you correctly, what you really need is AI in a watch! Dont even need NFC, the AI will do the Payments for you! Its gonna be amazing. And if the AI is good enough, we can just drop the screen entirely!! How cool will that be!! I got our best engineers on it, releasing next quarter, $599. Pro version packs a vape at $799. Single use battery as well, save you needing to charge it!! "
Turned your dream into a nightmare, you’re welcome :)
Will it though? There are far to many egregiously wealthy people on our current monetary standard, we dont seem to be moving on. I will happily pay someone in leaves though.
It only becomes unscarce if you tell everyone else how to do it. If you can make gold, and no one else can, then its free money for you.
Thanks for the closure, glad you got it sorted! You might just need to change the batteries on your multimeter to get it back to normal.
That might be the only way to make it clean again though.