Fuck mosquitos and sunburn, embrace the TRVE KVLT darkness 🤘😝🤘
It 's not that long, I think it is called “Leselücke” (reading gap).
If you want, you could call it “Lesegedankenwanderungsamnesie” (reading wandering thought amnesia) 🤔
Dumb fuck! (Dumb fuck!) ((I also don’t get it))
The internet… uh… finds a way.
These are nice free options:
Not self hosted though
Cryptography is pretty useful
Sure, here you go. Feel free to try it for as long as you’d like.
https://youtu.be/XDAKXB86U_Y at 0:22
Also he has a talking pet and can play the guitar 🤘🏻
Great integration into that meme
Batteries got what humans crave!
They probably have a bunch of developers like me: Dafuq did I do yesterday? 😵💫
Ooh, thanks for the insight!
So does that mean one could be Cis and Gay for example? As in feeling like a man and born male, and also attracted to men?
You think you can bait me with cats?! Because it absolutely works…
Radarr is your personal fleet that will go plundered and get the booty for you while you lay in your comfy hammock drinking rum.
(You tell Radarr a movie and it will download it for you, rename it and add it to your media center automatically, also for upcoming ones. Sonarr does the same for shows, downloads the episodes once they are out.)
And the radarr calibrated for treasure
I said “sick moves!” just in case