Also, visit here for a tool that lets you test and ensure your torrent client isn’t leaking
Is this thing on?
Also, visit here for a tool that lets you test and ensure your torrent client isn’t leaking
This analysis of the author is as close as I’m willing and able to get.
Talk to me in 6 years when it’s finally out of early access and the MP is still dogshit.
yeah, well… Some website said you talk like a chat bot so hahah owned! /s
The hypocrisy of using AI to ferret out AI and then to act like that gives one any right to judge…
Incorrect. Scarcity refers to quantity, not quality.
I see what you’re saying, but IMO the newsworthy information in the article is that there are electronic plates available to begin with. It just seems like such a bad idea from every angle you look at it. The hacking of them is simply stating the inevitable but it is just one issue in a large pile of BS even an honest purchaser would have to deal with using these things.
I think we’re all sick of pretending that killing someone with a pen is any different than killing someone with a gun.
deleted by creator
OOC if I had a pet pig. Loved it. Gave it a full and happy life safe and warm in my house until one day it died of old age. Would it be okay to give the body to my destitute neighbours so they can feed their dogs?
Edit 21hrs later: Your silence speaks volumes
I’m sorry, but you’re wrong. Relying on edge cases in either generation is pointless. Millenials had zero tech support to help them for everything you need to do on computers.
How to load a program: Nowadays - touch the icon on the screen. Millenials - Load"$“,8 LIST LOAD"LEISURESUIT*”,8,1 (wait 10 min.) RUN
How to install a game: Nowadays - Click BUY on game store and choose INSTALL. Millenials - Learn MSDOS basics, Type a series of 5 commands without typos
How to configure game settings: Nowadays - Play with volume sliders, Graphics preferences, and game difficulty. Millenials - Edit config.sys or autoexec.bat to ensure device drivers are loaded, load game, assign proper IRQ, DMA variables to get your SOUNDBLASTER card to play sound, select game difficulty
How to setup a printer: Nowadays - go to manufacturers website and download drivers, run setup.exe, plug in printer to USB port. Millenials - Check Device manager in Windows to determine COM port and other relevant variables. Set values in word processing software. Employ Minor in mechanical engineering to align or correct bad ink ribbon with perforated track runners. Repeat fixes every 5 pages ad nauseum.
All that BS and more required hours of research to learn how to do in an era where guidance was buried in some sketchy newsgroup where ‘Rick Rolling’ was seeing if you’d notice “Deltree c:” in the instructions, and not just a simple 20 second video on TikTok.
I work with children using Ipads and that one kid who doesn’t get lost if the relevant icon is missing in the UI is the one I know is going to be trouble. They say average IQ increases by 3 every generation and this is the first one I don’t think that trend will hold for because they aren’t required to think at all ever.
You don’t like getting screamed at by unattended 11yo claiming they did unspeakable things to your great-grandmother? OK Boomer
Do you hear yourself? You even point out he implemented a Muslim ban. Clearly, the side you should be supporting. No reason to think otherwise. Nope.
This astute logic brought to you by a person that thinks insulting the people they need the support of is a good idea.
It’s not nearly as bad as you make it sound, but you are right that the OG is better than generic tools you need to configure
That is the list.
Ublock origin requires Filters that you can select from a provided list, or enter in/download yourself.
Noscript (likely redundant but I don’t know how to use Ublock to do this) lets you select which scripts a site runs and disable whichever ones are necessary to clean the page of garbage/reveal the article.
Every page is different and changes so it isn’t perfect but once you are familiar with how it works you can ‘Pick’ blocking boxes to automatically create a filter that removes the box (on reload) if necessary.
Tragic, but this functionality can still be done with Ublock origin and/or Noscript extensions
Hopefully it will be better than the movie was.
Some of you PC’s may have to die, but that is a price my kitters are willing to pay.
Just because they say the Democrats support Israel less than them doesn’t make it true
This, this right here. When someone tells you who they are… believe them.
Like, in what world can you say “just because they say they will be worse, have a huge religio-fascist base they are catering too, and have demonstrated with their declared policies and voting behaviour that they would… doesn’t mean they will ahktuallllly be worse”. Like, WTF are you even arguing here at this point?
You’re basically saying that I’m not worth arguing with if I don’t already agree with you on the thing we’re arguing about. If that isn’t bad faith, I don’t know what is.
That wasn’t what I was saying. I was saying you aren’t worth arguing with because you wouldn’t even admit they said they would be worse. Now that you have (see previous point), the ridiculousness of your stance is obvious.
smug attitude, as well as wishing harm on me
Now who’s lying hmm?
Weather or not you respond, I’m done here.
We agree. You are done like dinner here.
Open the m3u8 as a playlist in VLC Media player. If it works, save it.