I believe the term is “tinderbox”
I believe the term is “tinderbox”
Gotta make room for new smells
Every spider you kill that you see makes them better at hiding in your house
Don’t forget preventable disease or easily treated medical issues.
Everything heavier than lithium was created either in the heart of a star over it’s lifetime, or during its death in a supernova. We really are cosmic dust, or as Carl Segan called it, “Star Stuff”.
Social media has barely been around for 20 years, we kept in contact with those we wanted to just fine before it. But now with social media you’re in contact with all of them all the time, even the ones you aren’t particularly excited to see once a year on the holidays.
Half of that is why I ditched it in the first place
No mixed feelings here, just heaps of disappointment.
It wouldn’t really be “sex work” if they weren’t doing it in exchange for something would it?
Yes, we have currency as a placeholder for trading goods directly but people who perform sex acts for other goods like drugs are just as stigmatized and no currency was involved.
And if people are just having sex with a fun of it then it’s not sex work either, it’s just sex, which is less stigmatized now then it was 30 years ago but it still has a stigma attached to it, otherwise slurs like “skank” and “slut” wouldn’t exist.
They had a primary, did everyone suddenly forget all the Palestine protesters that abstained from voting for Biden in the primary?
I’m pretty sure that’s supposed to be a juice box
My work closes the last two weeks of the year for the holidays and we get paid during our time off (If You’re not in a union, get one) and a lot of us save up some vacation and take an extra week on top, so December counts as Sloth Month for me.
Half dozen, dozen, two dozen in the US.
It finally paid off! Today is the day our system makes sense!
Religion has always been nothing more than a way to control people.
“I talked to God and he said that if you don’t listen to the rules that I wrote in this book then he’s going to torture you forever”
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It’s a buzz word.
ChatGPT came out and all the other tech companies like Google freaked the fuck out because they weren’t first to the market.
In response they started adding AI to Google search.
Well, Microsoft can’t let that stand either so now they’re both in a mad dash to put it in fucking everything before the other guy does.
And every capitalist country slowly removes these benefits until major uprisings.
We figured out a long time ago that there’s only two things people need in order to keep them happy:
Bread and Circuses.
As long as people have food on their table and a source of entertainment you can take everything else away and they’ll be content enough to not revolt.
But it’s important to not take everything else away at once either, that’s why they chisel away at them until only those two are left.
That explains why I didn’t get it at first, I thought she was holding the hungry hungry caterpillar.