Not really, corpos take over any centralized effort. Look at wikipedia, funded by donations and has enough saved up to run for the next century, now they spend all that donation money on thinking up ways to ask for even more donations.
Not really, corpos take over any centralized effort. Look at wikipedia, funded by donations and has enough saved up to run for the next century, now they spend all that donation money on thinking up ways to ask for even more donations.
And in that same article:
It has been argued that the definition is problematic because it depends on the location of the body: if a Mars-sized body were discovered in the inner Oort cloud, it would not have enough mass to clear out a neighbourhood that size and meet criterion 3. The requirement for hydrostatic equilibrium (criterion 2) is also universally treated loosely as simply a requirement for roundedness; Mercury is not actually in hydrostatic equilibrium, but is explicitly included by the IAU definition as a planet
Super Crooks has this, iirc there’s even a comment at one point about the heroes having a bigger body count than the villains.
Other way around, the further apart the objects are the less likely the barycentre is to be inside one of them, you can picture it as a rubber band with a dot drawn on it, the more you stretch it the further the dot gets from both ends even if it gets further from one end faster.
Actually planet doesn’t have any hard set definition, we kind of just do it case by case because its damn near impossible to come up with a rigid definition that doesn’t suddenly classify some planets as moons or some moons as planets or create weird situations in which an object can switch between the two.
I can never get past the geoguesser part
I feel like I could easily spend that in microtransactions on some scummy mobile game.
Most cyberpunk tends to handwave it, consider the sheer amount of crime in such settings but generally no one every has their implants shuttdown unless its by hacking. In many settings it doesn’t even need a wireless connection (shadowrun) but IRL we’re almost certainly going to end up with always online implants for the soel purpose of control.
Honestly its aspirational at this point, there’s no way we’d get cybernetics IRL without them being directly remote controlable by police, companies or just rich people who pay a small fee to watch poor people hit themselves.
Eh pathfinder 2e is definetaly better than D&D but 1e is honestly really harsh in terms of character builds.
My personal issue with github is more the placement of the actual download links, sometimes its harder to find than the real download button on a dodgy pirate site without ad-block.
Damn thats an incredible degree of overreach and looks like it gives established companies the power to take down any rising competitions websites without oversight.
to be fair plenty of older games hold up today in terms of gameplay if you don’t mind dated graphics (or if the game uses a timeless visual style). There are a few that I’d totally pay full price for a re-release simply because its hard to get them to run on modern systems.
Generally also beats a sword except in pretty specialized circumstances.
Different brit here. I suspect the plan is to reduce immigration by making the UK a place no one would want to migrate too.
The only way I can see gold becoming cheap being a problem for me is due to it being a problem for rich people and them making it my problem.