Great to see people switching to actually secure alternatives.
Great to see people switching to actually secure alternatives.
Matrix won’t necessarily download all state/messages automatically, but if your client requests a non-available message your matrix server will query other matrix servers for it (backfilling).
E.g. if you scroll up to older messages, it might take a a few seconds but your client should eventually show them.
Matrix server use a back-off for servers sending messages, so if your server is offline for many hours, it might take a day for your servers to get messages pushed to by other servers again.
Given it seems to be a single guy doing his thing I don’t expect them to get bought out.
It’s a great service and incredibly cheap. With advanced pricing I’m only paying ~0,40€ per month. My domain + purelymail is less than I’d pay for other providers email only.
Edit: If Amazon increases their prices they’ll have to pass it on, but those should be pretty consistent. If you use your own domain (or an alias service) switching email providers is simple anyway.
If you want to get in to private trackers at some point, Mullvad isn’t an option because they don’t support port forwarding. Just a PSA because Mullvad does monthly payments, so you’ll be able to switch anytime.
Proton VPN and AirVPN do support port forwarding.
As your already on Linux I’d recommend running qBittorrent with Docker behind gluetun.
This makes it so only qBittorrent is behind the VPN and all other traffic (e.g. browsing, gaming) goes as if there was no VPN.
The “stunning victory” the MPA wanted to have might not be as good of an deterrent, as it seemed at first. They only focus on a few movies, half of them might not even be relevant to the case, and the operators didn’t make much money on them, so they won’t be able to pay much damages.
If they don’t receive a prison sentence, and only need to pay below 20.000 USD where’s the deterrent for other operators overseas?
250 connections really is not much. I ran a matrix server for a while and joining a few large rooms (1k+ servers) made the connections reach a few thousand – which made the router slow down/unstable/reboot.
I’ve noticed the same for my upload bandwitdh, with it being 170%-200% of its advertised maximum speed. Sadly the same can’t be said about the download bandwidth. Luckily fiber will be available in a few months.
Most (all?) torrent clients support limiting the number of active connections. This should prevent your router from being overloaded.
In my experience 500 shouldn’t be a problem. On that note, limiting upload bandwidth to something less than the available upload bandwidth is important too.
Mindfactory is selling Factory Recertified Seagate Exos and Ironwolf Pro.
They were also reportedly one of the shops (unknowingly) selling used HDDs with SMART values reset as new.
A project ending as abandonware is always a possibility. One reason projects get abandoned is losing funding, which can be secured by using dual licensing and selling some features to businesses.
They use AGPL so even if they broke their promise and restricted features, it could still be developed further (even if no new features got added). NGINX also uses a dual license.
Given streaming is so ubiquitous, private music trackers have a hard time having a big enough library to meet all of a users needs.
OPS is great but even they don’t have all the tracks I search for. RED is better since there’s more incentive to upload and more users.
Lucida and other DDL sites listed on fmhy are likely your best bet, aside from maybe rutracker.
After a quick read over some parts of the article, and looking into the Bottles flatpak manifest, I don’t think the sandbox escapes listed apply to Bottles - as long as you are exclusively using Wayland-compatible apps besides your games.
Sadly electron is still a pita, so closing Discord and VSCode while gaming would be necessary (or restrict their host access, which would break sharing files in Discord and many more things in VSCode).
So yes, I sadly have to agree, don’t rely on a sandbox, unless your not running X11.
Luckily wine will soon support Wayland, so removing X11 access from Bottles would break this specific sandbox escape. Otherwise I do think flatpak/bubblewrap sandboxing is pretty solid.
Businesses using VPNs is an entirely different matter. It’s possible to outlaw VPN services or rather make them usable for piracy. E.g. requiring VPN providers to know who their users are and providing info to law enforcement wouldn’t impact businesses at all.
A similar example are emulators: Depending on how laws are interpreted it’s entirely possible that there’s no way to legally emulate Nintendo Switch. This wouldn’t prevent Nintendo or any other company to emulate their own hardware.
Outlawing encryption unless your a politician is also something which gets brought up from time to time. Laws are full exceptions.
There’re many ways to outlaw only a specific use case without
can’t imagine a client that would ship an ip2geo db
qBittorrent shows country flags next to the peer IPs, so they likely do have some ip2geo db.
Before you do that I’d first try out a few cheap capture cards. Especially the cheap no name ones sometimes don’t implement HDCP (copy protection), so recording Prime should work well.
I haven’t seen anything except the safe pdfs, epub etc formats. Similarly to movies there shouldn’t be a risk to downloading malware unless you execute the files (e.g. double click).
CAD and other professional engineering software typically only runs well on Windows.
There’s exceptions like the Linux-native Blender but especially Autodesk was a bad experience (a few years ago).
That’s just a guess from my side: If you want to try Autodesk use the Windows version. Bottles makes installing wine/proton and it’s components easier. You’ll likely need DXVK for good graphics performance.
It’s sad to hear about his passing. His videos about the Pi3 were great for me at the time. It’s been about 8 years and looking at the thumbnails of his videos brings back memories.
Interesting. I thought Lightning was a fork like BTC Cash, not a feature compatible with BTC itself.
On another note I just noticed it’s gotten harder to buy Monero in the EU, at least Kraken no longer offers them (damned money laundering, sadly the laws are necessary). Luckily thanks to legalization I no longer use it.
qbit_manage has a feature where it’ll check whether a hard link exists outside of the torrent directory, and deletes the torrent if it’s only in the (qbit-)torrent directory.
This would’ve automatically removed the torrent once you’ve deleted the files from *arr. I recommend against deleting files from Plex, as *arr could detect them missing and redownload them.