Really you need to kill several someone’s, preferably at once if you’d like your own page in short order.
Really you need to kill several someone’s, preferably at once if you’d like your own page in short order.
I lost all of my weed in a series of small fires.
More like burning grass…
You could, you just have to pay extra for that.
45 and 1 white woman
People ride the bus and you can’t speed there either.
I stopped drinking soda for 4 months and when I started again I liked it just as much as before, it was sweet but not disgustingly so. Everyone has their own threshold.
Did they invent the seatbelt?
I had a word with myself, I said I don’t like my attitude but unfortunately I can’t get rid of me because no one wants to work these days. I had to settle for giving myself a slap on the wrist which won’t change anything.
Because reasons ok!?! Just trust me bro.
Now I’m having another one. I heard if I keep stroking I might go blind (ノ゜ー゜)ノ
QWERTY Keyboards on a touch screen are still the stupid!
I know what you are trying to say but the more times I read your post title, the more I feel like I’m having a stroke.
I’d rather not invite AI into my life.
It makes perfect sense, we’ve been using it forever, it’s the standard, almost every person that’s taken a typing class for the last 150ish years (in the English speaking world), has done so on a qwerty keyboard. Why bother changing something that just works?
I was really trying to wrap my head around CBT as a kink and came up totally blank.
Google images, safe search off, you’re welcome.
Fish shaped but technically a dolphin.
Hopefully they can make something with the feel of Saint’s Row 2. I loved that one.
Like the old Playboy videos that have mostly disappeared.