Phew, for a minute I thought this was about Exodus, the new game by Drew Karpashyn.
Phew, for a minute I thought this was about Exodus, the new game by Drew Karpashyn.
Oh yeah, that’s way worse! But it doesn’t make me very optimistic about Germany’s future either, even without the Trump tragedy.
Our current government literally just collapsed today so… yeah.
I agree that he probably won’t last the four years but even if he does he is already too senile to set any policy. He was also already more than happy for others to do the actual work of creating policy because he’s incredibly lazy last time.
So I think Vance (and Musk) will be the real rulers behind King Trump. I don’t think either is really that much interested in religion and racism but both are incredibly sexist and/or transphobic. So sadly a lot of horror and pain will be delivered to women and transgender people. (Which doesn’t mean immigrants are safe.)
Musk will also push for deregulation/privatization of technology so that he can become even richer. This will lead to more monopolization/enshittification and stifle innovation for years, maybe decades. Vance will go along with it due to the Thiel-connection.
Additionally, Putin has made sure that Musk will also champion his interests even if Trump is unable to due to senility. The US will become a de facto ally of Russia and a geopolitical enemy of Europe in a similar vein as China (meaning not openly).
The military-industrial complex will quickly warm to the new reality of an autocracy and the US will start a new war somewhere. Probably in the Middle East. Maybe not within the first four years though. It will be used to distract from a crashing economy and the very real climate catastrophe (mirroring Ruzzia).
I wish all of this were ideas for an alt-history book and not a possible scenario for our future.
As a German aware of my country’s history I can only shake my head in sad recognition and try not to feel utterly hopeless not only about the future of a once-great country but the entire world.
We’re in the endgame now.
It’s worse than that. Hitler’s entire economic plan relied on heavily burrowing money from other countries with the intent to pay it back with money plundered from conquered nations.
As for the people having better lives, well, not really. Earnings increased for workers but mainly from working even longer hours. The actual hourly wage fell on the level of the Great Depression. And due to less imported goods, consumer products like food and clothing also had to be rationed.
Who was better off by a lot however were large cartels and monopolies crushing small businesses thanks to the eridications of unions and, later, forced labor in the concentration camps.
So, while the (war) economy did boom, that didn’t really translate to better lives for common people (even before the war started).
That’s why I really like the Mass Effect universe where humanity is more of an underdog species. Same with Babylon 5.
Damn, I can’t wait for Control 2. I loved Alan Wake 2, but Control was even better IMO.
Weird Al: good weird Trump: bad weird
It’s not rocket science.
Children of Earth Time is sort of like that. Amazing book.
That’s what I’ve been saying for years. “Superheroes” is a flavour, not a genre. Just like “cops” or “soldiers”. You can do any sort of movie genre with those flavours. The problem is that too often movie studios go with the safe option of “action comedy”.
Interesting question: Since your glasses will not die with you, do ghosts have the same bad eyes?
Which they made bigger in Jurassic Park, so that’s actually proving the point. A bigger raptor species was only discovered after the first movie.
Also screw long term profitability, make the graph quickly go up by firing people to get your bonus, by the time it comes back to really bite the company in the ass, you will have golden-parachuted away already.
When was the last really good game from EA and Bioware? Yeah.
You mean the third adaptation of a very popular book? Not exactly wildly original.
Still a great movie though.
The only surprise is the inclusion of Galacta, daughter of Galactus. Talk about obscure. Wouldn’t the Grandmaster be a much more logical choice for the person controlling the battle arenas?
I fully expect Light No Fire to be a reskinned No Man’s Sky on a single planet with a fantasy coat of paint (and I look forward to it!), and all features they are still adding to NMS to be in LNF as well. Quite clever IMO.
Not quite, EU states are still sovereign nations.
He definitely thinks that, everything is zero sum for him.
Merkel had to explain eleven times to him that he can’t make trade agreements with Germany, only the whole EU. He probably couldn’t grasp the concept of mutual gain through cooperation.
It’s a pity, it’s actually a really good game. The gameplay especially is probably the best out of all the Dragon Age games and the final stretch is one of Bioware’s best IMO. I think the problem with the game is that it starts out fairly weak but then gets better and better. Some of the best companions only join after a lot of hours of playing. Probably not the smartest choice.