Lmao, that got me good! “List of things it does better than Windows: open dxdiag.”
Lmao, that got me good! “List of things it does better than Windows: open dxdiag.”
Beat me to it. Outstanding controller, with replaceable parts staight from 8bitDo.
I went from world to shitjustworks. Big worth.
I’m slowly eye balling a new monitor and I’m 100% going to get an OLED, my Samsung VA is on its last legs, it takes 30 minutes to warm up 😢.
So I’m curious why you want pure black. Is it a laptop so you’re saving on battery? Or maybe pure black helps combat burn in when combined with monitor tools? Or you just like it, hah?
I’ve done a decent amount of Distro hopping with an all team red PC, and CachyOS is fantastic. I recommend Bazzite for people who want no bullshit, OOTB experience. But if you don’t mind minor tinkering, CachyOS is just too good at what it accomplishes. Their gaming meta package, which has custom wine & proton builds, is is such an easy way to milk out that last bit of performance. Their kernel manager and Firefox fork are also just so well done. Not to mention they’re ahead of the game for things like the upcoming NTSYNC in Linux 6.14. Last but not least their default Cachy kernel is the cherry on top.
I’d be down, anything to relive those first play throughs of SEX with HITLER, SEX with HITLER 2, SEX with HITLER: 2069, and SEX with HITLER: WW2.
The CPU was done in BIOS on an ASUS x570. For me it was under AI Tweaker > Precision Boost Override > Curve Optimizer.
The GPU was done in the driver software on Windows. Or LACT if on Linux.
Unraid + Unifi network equipment. Everything is scheduled and automatic, with the exception of large Unraid updates, but those are only every ~6 months. Every night mover from cache SSD - > HDD array, then checks for plugin updates, then docker container updates, if Monday morning SSD trim, and if 1st of the month does an array parity check/repair.
After all that if it’s Monday morning, Unifi will check for firmware then software updates.
Sometimes a docker container will get a breaking update maybe once a year, and then I just go look @ documentation and see what needs to be changed to the config to fix.
It will help some, and will also help temps, but AMD hardware does well with undervolting, especially the 5800X3D. I undervolt mine, and read the consensus that - 30 across all cores should be achievable for anyone, unless they’re really, really unlucky. My 6800 XT I also only run @ 92% Voltage, and it runs cooler and faster now, too.
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC is hands down the best! A nearly naked fresh Windows install. Just Defender and Edge. And even then, a lot of the performance impacting Defender options are unavailable due to the W11 version.
It’s still my go to for gaming. Once it’s all set up, it just stays out of the way, and runs as lean as modern Windows can.
I highly, highly recommend adding StartAllBack on top of it. Makes the bottom toolbar much, much better.
I always use a single copy/paste Winget command to install nearly everything in one go, without needing any interaction for each install. Also allows updating installed programs with a single command.
Massgrave.dev for ISO’s and activation.
Edit: For some features, you have to be comfortable using Powershell as admin. I myself have to Powershell install 2 AppX packages before I can use Winget. If you go with this version feel free to message me for help.
The website I didn’t know I needed. Thank you!
Thank you! What I think fixed it for me was Proton-Experimental. Works like normal again with CachyOS Wine Staging.
- update wine to bleeding-edge (fixes battle.net broken updates)
Just in time for me to have struggled with this just 5 hours ago, but I managed to fix it and I’m not sure how.
Bazzite if you want ezpz. CachyOS if you like tinkering, learning, and want to squeeze out that last bit of a peformance boost.
Unexpectedly outstanding distro. New favorite, by a lot.
MMO level and stat squishes, irl.
I’ve had a lot more success using Bottles over Lutris. Being able to see a list of all possible Windows dependencies and being able to 1 click install any of them is aces. The default Gaming Bottle itself is very good, but I’m not sure how their own custom runner, Soda, performs.
Cant paywalls be bypassed by just using reader mode?
I’ve tried all the ways, and Bottles was the easiest by far. Make a bottle for games from the high seas, using bottles’ preset for games. Once created change the wine from Soda to whatever you want or just use Soda.
Then inside the bottle look for install dependencies and grab things like vc redist, and dot net. Once that’s done under the bottles’ UI choice “Run Executable” and chose the .exe for the game’s installer. If it doesn’t work as expected, click the cog/gear and select the checkbox for “Run in Terminal” to see where it goes wrong and search online for what fix is needed.
The only time I had to troubleshoot with terminal, was for a mspatcha.dll problem. It was an easy fix: the bottle has a Legacy Wine Tools > Configuration > Libraries, where I found mspatcha listed, then changed it to “Native then Built in.”
Hope that helps.
Unraid is the bee’s knees, especially for being beginner friendly. You use the internet browser of another computer on the same network to access the web GUI of the server.
Most game servers, Palworld included, have ready to go templates in their “App Store,” for running the servers as Docker containers.