Yeah we all know he’s enjoying it
Yeah we all know he’s enjoying it
Huh, seems pretty interesting. What’s the dungeon crawling look like? 2D platformer, 2.5d final jrpg-esque, etc…?
Imma need a full report and analysis posted on philosophy memes
iirc nitrogen is the best gas for this, as your body doesn’t realize it’s not getting Oxygen and you just kinda fall asleep and stop existing. or maybe I’m thinking it backwards idfk.
obvs don’t test it.
can’t believe it got cancelled, it was really good
I mean unless you’re able to do it in your head in less than a minute, bringing a tape measure would probably be faster and easier.
You can carry the same amount of solid gold blocks
Shame it got cancelled. One of my favorite shows
Pretty sure Alex Hirsch confirmed that’s the case
Not if you don’t have any
Join your local communist woodland commune today!
Shhhh don’t question it /s
Not sure where you live, but millennials and Gen z generally have more liberal views than conservative ones in the US, as far as I’m aware. Here’s a couple links to Pew Research Center, first is a number of statistics regarding political stances between generations (doesn’t include gen z) and the second is specifically about how Gen Z compares to older generations in political stances.
Which is completely fair. It’s not consistent for me either; most of the times the download just works, sometimes it doesn’t, sometimes it does but takes a little while (specifically for larger downloads) except Firefox doesn’t actually tell me it’s in progress and cancels the download if I leave the app. It’s all around very confusing.
Finally, the suit alleges that Tesla had guaranteed Eberhard the second Roadster ever produced after Musk insisted he get the first, but then failed to provide that car.
Don’t see anything about that being the same car launched into space in that article specifically, I’m still looking though.
200 years? lmao, look everyone, this guy thinks our planet will support human life for another 200 years. At best another 80.