I remember when Chrome released and it was a hot mess performance wise. I haven’t used it since and it doesn’t seem like I’m missing anything.
I remember when Chrome released and it was a hot mess performance wise. I haven’t used it since and it doesn’t seem like I’m missing anything.
I don’t understand why people pick on tradesman as if they’re somehow lesser than them.
There’s lots of skill and knowledge that goes along with doing any trade.
Also, while it’s back breaking work, and you often work overtime, construction workers make bank.
This is an aged and outdated take that devalues the contributions of a very important job.
All jobs are skilled labor.
Average Bethesda enjoyer.
Not sure why you’re being down voted tbh. I had a chance to fiddle around with the 1 IV when Sony sent me the wrong phone by mistake with my online store order.
I have no idea why they are priced as high as they are either. I was not impressed by it at all.
Twitch embeds ads directly into the stream now. They’re next to impossible to block now, though I’ve heard some people say it’s still possible.