Good news! Any thing can be dismantled if you are determined. Flashlights aren’t too complicated either. So yeah, any flashlight should work, and just start ripping it apart
Snapple fact: You’re rather whack
Good news! Any thing can be dismantled if you are determined. Flashlights aren’t too complicated either. So yeah, any flashlight should work, and just start ripping it apart
There is also a google drive link on Free Radical Archive’s discord if the Hidden Palace link is down. Unfortunately I am away from my pc and can’t verify either right now
On GameCube, I can see that Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, Mario Party 6, Smash Bros Melee are all unavailable. On N64, Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, Pokemon Stadium are also unavailable
Definitely Vimm’s Lair for me. I still play a lot of GameCube and N64 games and Vimm’s was always my go-to place for finding roms. They got hit with a lot of DMCAs and take down notices, and had to remove the vast majority of their Nintendo library along with anything related to Sega and Lego. The site is still up, but it’s like visiting a graveyard now
That whole thing looks shady as hell. To me it seems like the whole interview process is meant to collect all the data they can about you, whether it is to sell the info or to hold on to it for… reasons. Also a private, invite/interview entry only community that strictly prohibits the use of a VPN or TOR and is based around sharing media? Bruh. Either they are sharing something a lil more illicit than your standard rips of Hollywood movies, or this is a honeypot to catch the kinds of people who share that kind of stuff. Everything about this is all red flags and alarm bells
and a compulsive liar
I definitely didn’t post this meme because I saw that video
Absolutely brilliant
So, does the entire shed have to spin when the turret moves or can the tank only shoot straight forward now?
Might be worth your time to email Panic and see if they can send a replacement screen if you haven’t tried that yet
You have a pretty good list already. There are definitely still electronic component kits out there that are a handful of resistors, capacitors, and transistors of different values and some LEDs. You can also look at the parts in these kits and order them yourself from a place like Digi-key or Mouser, not sure what is available to you. It might save you a couple of bucks.
You probably don’t need a variable power supply, unless you really want one. But you should be fine with a 2 or 3 AA battery holder that has some wire leads you can plug into the breadboard. 10k Ohm potentiometers are the most common and the only kind I think I used in school. You can also look into logic gates (NOT, AND, OR, NAND, XOR) to start getting into the digital side of electronics without a microcontroller. Logic gates are the building blocks behind modern computers. There are IC chips that fit into breadboards in the 74HC Series.
The picture is a screenshot from a YouTube community post. There’s no way to save the image directly (at least on mobile). So if you want a meme that gets posted with other pictures, you are stuck with that lil fuckin thing in the corner.
Here is a screenshot of the first community post I found and it has the exact same bubble in the corner
For this use, definitely stay away from Maglites or other camping or survival type of flashlights. The cheap children’s flashlights usually have plastic housings that should be easy to open, and you can always put rechargeable batteries in them
Edit: cheap plastic flashlights like these. Excuse the Amazon link, it’s just the first one I found https://www.amazon.com/Eveready-Flashlight-Multi-Pack-Emergencies-Batteries/dp/B08YM5S28F/