I don’t think it is in Tesseract or Alexandrite but I feel like I vaguely recall Jerboa, the mobile app, having it.
Big fan of SBC gaming, open source engine recreations/source ports, gaming in general, alternative operating systems, and all things modding.
Trying to post and comment often in an effort to add to Lemmy’s growth.
I don’t think it is in Tesseract or Alexandrite but I feel like I vaguely recall Jerboa, the mobile app, having it.
I’m pretty sure you can do that on individual subreddits as well. Do you mean on an instance wide level?
All good. I made a similar extrapolation the other day about pudding not seeming as popular because I wasn’t seeing people eating it or it advertised but after voicing my thoughts to a coworker I realized I’m probably just not anywhere near the target market. I’m not a sugar crazed child watching children’s TV networks and nor do I have kids myself.
I hope Lemmy’s internet points never become a thing people view as important. The way people act on Reddit to get a handful of up votes is embarrassing.
For those that don’t know this is in reference to Reddit’s process of “vote fuzzing”. Most explanations online explain it as altering the votes to prevent things like rigging the vote or an individual going to someone else’s page and down voting everything they’ve posted or commented. I think in reality it’s more obtuse and erratic. I don’t know if the level of “fuzz” varies based off the age of the post or the total number of votes.
I feel like this is a you thing. I bet if you started doing it around people others would start doing it without realizing.
Are there collections of that or would I be doing what I am now and checking individual files?
Searching aspect ratio and 4:3 doesn’t seem to pull up much
I think that may not be on them. I think it would be a matter of tweaking the FFmpeg core in RetroArch but I don’t know if it has live video cropping as a feature especially when within the confines of RetroArch. Scaling? Maybe but that’s not really what I’m after.
Searching online I am getting either command line options or unrelated results about CRT gaming.
I’m glad they aren’t planning on releasing incrementally upgraded devices.
Retroid makes a lot of handheld emulators that are decent quality but it feels like they release a new model every few months that’s just slightly better than the last. It’s an easy way to feel cheated and hesitant about what you’re buying.
It’s like how a lot of parents these days don’t think their “jailbroken” Firestick is pirating
Would the collection just keep growing or would you delete content? Maybe periodically so if you haven’t watched the new Bettlejuice movie within a couple weeks it would get deleted? Maybe they wouls hold onto stuff until you’ve got it and watched it?
The idea of versioning it with your family stash is neat
I feel like that’s a lot of boiler plate stuff. It reminds me of Tom Scott’s video on VPN sponsorships not admitting they can be used as tools for piracy
Definitely annoying if you like to journal that kind of stuff. I’ve thought about putting a notebook next to my bed
I think they’re aware of your stash of full Family Guy episodes on Youtube featuring random zooms.
Also doesn’t the RIAA only cover the music industry?
The obscure content thing is an issue I’ve run into especially looking for ~70s era sci-fi or horror movies that are regarded as cult classics or underrated online.
If you are looking for software you might want to look for websites that list open source projects.
I can’t really think of decent mega lists though. The FMHY one does have a lot of simply free things but it is mixed in with a lot of pirated content.
I once got flak for linking the NSFW source behind an image in a piracy community and someone got mad about it like your workplace is going to be thrilled about you looking for pirated content in a Fake Taxi meme
The amount of conspiracy theories would be unreal
Ah how about GRUB Rescue?
I don’t think the official release has the shadow or resolution fixes and the IKEA stuff pack so I’d definitely go with the fan pack